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Curriculum Politica e Governo nel Mondo Globale: per studenti immatricolati nell'a.a. 2018-19

First Year

Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
02492 Comparative Politics 1 B SPS/04 8
42614 Economics of Inequality 2 B SECS-P/01 8

Gruppo 1: Gruppo di scelta in ambito economico (8 CFU)

The course “International Economy LM” is highly recommended for students who have not obtained a Degree in the Italian Class of Degree L-36 (“Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni internazionali”)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
34080 International Economics (Advanced Course) 1 B SECS-P/02 8
40036 Quantitative Methods for Social Research
Compulsory attendance
1 B SECS-P/02 8
82005 Economics of the EU
Compulsory attendance
2 B SECS-P/01 8
70049 Global Environmental Challenges - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 B SECS-P/02 8
29866 International Economics (LM) 2 B SECS-P/01 8
32187 Political Economy of Transition
Compulsory attendance
2 B SECS-P/01 8

Gruppo 2: Gruppo di scelta in ambito linguistico (8 CFU)

Lo studente deve scegliere una lingua nella quale non abbia già conseguito CFU all'interno della propria carriera universitaria, salvo casi particolari che saranno valutati dal Consiglio del Corso di Studio. La seconda annualità della lingua straniera deve essere la medesima di quella scelta come prima annualità, salvo casi particolari che saranno valutati dal Consiglio del Corso di Studio.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
39972 French Language (Course and Laboratory) I 2 B L-LIN/04 8
39978 German Language (Course and Laboratory) I 2 B L-LIN/14 8
39974 Russian Language (Course and Laboratory) I 2 B L-LIN/21 8
39977 Spanish Language (Course and Laboratory) I A B L-LIN/07 8

Gruppo 3: Gruppo di scelta in ambito storico (8 CFU)

The course “International history LM” is highly recommended for students who have not obtained credits in the Historic field – History of International Relations (Disciplinary Scientific area SPS/06)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
78565 Democracies and Authoritarianism in Asia 1 B SPS/14 8
85236 History of Soviet Union and Russian Foreign Policy
Compulsory attendance
1 B SPS/06 8
88091 History Of European Integration (C.A.) 1 B SPS/06 8
78136 International History (LM) 1 B M-STO/04 8
31705 International Relations of Latin America 1 B SPS/05 8
77092 United Stated International Relations 1 B SPS/05 8
73148 International Relations of Africa - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 B SPS/13 8
31709 International Relations of the Middle East 2 B SPS/14 8
31841 Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar)
Compulsory attendance
2 B SPS/13 8
85235 Post-Socialist Transition and EU Enlargement Eastwards
Compulsory attendance
2 B SPS/06 8

Gruppo 4: Gruppo di scelta in politica internazionale (8 CFU)

The course “International Policy LM” is highly recommended for students who have not obtained a Degree in the Italian Class of Degree L-36 (“Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni internazionali”)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
40040 Governance and Policies of the European Integration 1 B SPS/04 8
78135 International Politics (LM) 1 B SPS/04 8

Gruppo 5: Gruppo di scelta in vari ambiti (8 CFU)

Gruppo di scelta per gli studenti con conoscenze economiche acquisite (max limit 8 CFU)
Students who have gained at least 16 credits in Economic Disciplinary Scientific area in previous course of studies can choose among the following courses:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
72597 Analysis of Public Opinion 1 SPS/04 8
78565 Democracies and Authoritarianism in Asia 1 SPS/14 8
70067 EU Immigration Law 1 IUS/14 8
40040 Governance and Policies of the European Integration 1 SPS/04 8
85236 History of Soviet Union and Russian Foreign Policy
Compulsory attendance
1 SPS/06 8
88091 History Of European Integration (C.A.) 1 SPS/06 8
73162 Ideology and Society in the Global World 1 SPS/08 8
34080 International Economics (Advanced Course) 1 SECS-P/02 8
31826 International Protection of Human Rights (Seminar)
Compulsory attendance
1 IUS/14 8
31705 International Relations of Latin America 1 SPS/05 8
81772 Leadership in Contemporary Democracies 1 SPS/04 8
31664 Media, Conflicts and International Politics - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 SPS/08 8
88093 Policy Design In A Compartive Perspective - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 SPS/04 8
40036 Quantitative Methods for Social Research
Compulsory attendance
1 SECS-P/02 8
87564 Topics In International Security
Compulsory attendance
1 SPS/04 8
77092 United Stated International Relations 1 SPS/05 8
70047 War and Politics 1 SPS/04 8
07230 Comparative Judicial Systems 2 SPS/04 8
78140 Decision Making Models and Institutional Change - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/04 8
82005 Economics of the EU
Compulsory attendance
2 SECS-P/01 8
70049 Global Environmental Challenges - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 SECS-P/02 8
73148 International Relations of Africa - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 SPS/13 8
31709 International Relations of the Middle East 2 SPS/14 8
88092 Nationalism And Secessionalism 2 SPS/04 8
69901 Pan-European Security
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/04 8
31841 Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar)
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/13 8
32187 Political Economy of Transition
Compulsory attendance
2 SECS-P/01 8
88094 Political Theories Of Peace And War 2 SPS/02 8
87563 Politics Of International Migration
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/04 8
85069 Politics and Justice in the Global World - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 SPS/04 8
40043 Politics of The World Economy
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/04 8
85235 Post-Socialist Transition and EU Enlargement Eastwards
Compulsory attendance
2 SPS/06 8
02506 Social Sciences Methodology 2 SPS/07 8
Studenti che necessitano di conoscenze economiche di base (max limit 8 CFU)
Students who have not gained at least 16 credits in Economic Disciplinary Scientific area must pass the exam of Elements of Economics.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
40430 Principles of Economics 1 C SECS-P/01 8

Gruppo 6: Gruppo a scelta libera dello studente (8 - 14 CFU)

Lo studente può indicare come attività formative autonomamente scelte uno o più insegnamenti tra quelli individuati annualmente dal Corso di Studio e resi noti tramite il Portale d'Ateneo. Se lo studente intende scegliere un insegnamento non previsto tra quelli individuati dal Consiglio di Corso di Studio, deve fare richiesta al Consiglio di corso nei termini previsti annualmente e resi noti tramite pubblicazione sul portale di Ateneo. Il Consiglio valuterà la coerenza della scelta con il percorso formativo dello studente e le motivazioni fornite. Gli studenti devono esercitare la scelta secondo le modalità stabilite con delibera del Consiglio della Scuola e nel rispetto delle scadenze definite annualmente dagli Organi Accademici.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
72597 Analysis of Public Opinion 1 D SPS/04 8
88450 Communication Law 1 D IUS/21 8
78565 Democracies and Authoritarianism in Asia 1 D SPS/14 8
70067 EU Immigration Law 1 D IUS/14 8
91839 European Design 1 D M-STO/04 8
40040 Governance and Policies of the European Integration 1 D SPS/04 8
85236 History of Soviet Union and Russian Foreign Policy
Compulsory attendance
1 D SPS/06 8
88091 History Of European Integration (C.A.) 1 D SPS/06 8
73162 Ideology and Society in the Global World 1 D SPS/08 8
34080 International Economics (Advanced Course) 1 D SECS-P/02 8
31826 International Protection of Human Rights (Seminar)
Compulsory attendance
1 D IUS/14 8
31705 International Relations of Latin America 1 D SPS/05 8
81772 Leadership in Contemporary Democracies 1 D SPS/04 8
31664 Media, Conflicts and International Politics - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D SPS/08 8
88093 Policy Design In A Compartive Perspective - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D SPS/04 8
40036 Quantitative Methods for Social Research
Compulsory attendance
1 D SECS-P/02 8
07223 Strategic Studies 1 D SPS/04 8
87564 Topics In International Security
Compulsory attendance
1 D SPS/04 8
77092 United Stated International Relations 1 D SPS/05 8
70047 War and Politics 1 D SPS/04 8
07230 Comparative Judicial Systems 2 D SPS/04 8
78140 Decision Making Models and Institutional Change - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
82005 Economics of the EU
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/01 8
70049 Global Environmental Challenges - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/02 8
82816 Intelligence and Political Decision Making
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
82007 International Economics Policy 2 D SPS/04 8
73148 International Relations of Africa - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 D SPS/13 8
31709 International Relations of the Middle East 2 D SPS/14 8
88092 Nationalism And Secessionalism 2 D SPS/04 8
69901 Pan-European Security
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
31841 Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar) 2 D SPS/13 8
32187 Political Economy of Transition
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/01 8
88094 Political Theories Of Peace And War 2 D SPS/02 8
87563 Politics Of International Migration
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
85069 Politics and Justice in the Global World - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 D SPS/04 8
40043 Politics of The World Economy
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
85235 Post-Socialist Transition and EU Enlargement Eastwards
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/06 8
02506 Social Sciences Methodology 2 D SPS/07 8
Gruppo di scelta - Competenze Trasversali proposte dall'Ateneo (max limit 6 CFU)

Second Year

Attività formative obbligatorie (24 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
27083 Final Examination (LM) 1 E 24

Gruppo 1: Gruppo di scelta in ambito linguistico (8 CFU)

Lo studente deve scegliere una lingua nella quale non abbia già conseguito CFU all'interno della propria carriera universitaria, salvo casi particolari che saranno valutati dal Consiglio del Corso di Studio. La seconda annualità della lingua straniera deve essere la medesima di quella scelta come prima annualità, salvo casi particolari che saranno valutati dal Consiglio del Corso di Studio.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
39973 French Language (Course and Laboratory) II 1 F L-LIN/04 8
39979 German Language (Course and Laboratory) II 1 F L-LIN/14 8
39975 Russian Language (Course and Laboratory) II 1 F L-LIN/21 8
39976 Spanish Language (Course and Laboratory) II 1 F L-LIN/07 8

Gruppo 2: Gruppo di scelta in ambito storico (8 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
78565 Democracies and Authoritarianism in Asia 1 B SPS/14 8
85236 History of Soviet Union and Russian Foreign Policy
Compulsory attendance
1 B SPS/06 8
88091 History Of European Integration (C.A.) 1 B SPS/06 8
31705 International Relations of Latin America 1 B SPS/05 8
77092 United Stated International Relations 1 B SPS/05 8
73148 International Relations of Africa - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 B SPS/13 8
31709 International Relations of the Middle East 2 B SPS/14 8
31841 Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar)
Compulsory attendance
2 B SPS/13 8
85235 Post-Socialist Transition and EU Enlargement Eastwards
Compulsory attendance
2 B SPS/06 8

Gruppo 3: Gruppo di scelta in ambito politico-sociale (8 CFU)

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
72597 Analysis of Public Opinion 1 C SPS/04 8
40040 Governance and Policies of the European Integration 1 C SPS/04 8
73162 Ideology and Society in the Global World 1 C SPS/08 8
81772 Leadership in Contemporary Democracies 1 C SPS/04 8
88093 Policy Design In A Compartive Perspective - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 C SPS/04 8
07230 Comparative Judicial Systems 2 C SPS/04 8
88092 Nationalism And Secessionalism 2 C SPS/04 8
88094 Political Theories Of Peace And War 2 C SPS/02 8
85069 Politics and Justice in the Global World - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 C SPS/04 8

Gruppo 4: Gruppo a scelta libera dello studente (min limit 8 CFU)

Lo studente può indicare come attività formative autonomamente scelte uno o più insegnamenti tra quelli individuati annualmente dal Corso di Studio e resi noti tramite il Portale d'Ateneo. Se lo studente intende scegliere un insegnamento non previsto tra quelli individuati dal Consiglio di Corso di Studio, deve fare richiesta al Consiglio di corso nei termini previsti annualmente e resi noti tramite pubblicazione sul portale di Ateneo. Il Consiglio valuterà la coerenza della scelta con il percorso formativo dello studente e le motivazioni fornite. Gli studenti devono esercitare la scelta secondo le modalità stabilite con delibera del Consiglio della Scuola e nel rispetto delle scadenze definite annualmente dagli Organi Accademici.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
72597 Analysis of Public Opinion 1 D SPS/04 8
88450 Communication Law 1 D IUS/21 8
78565 Democracies and Authoritarianism in Asia 1 D SPS/14 8
70067 EU Immigration Law 1 D IUS/14 8
91839 European Design 1 D M-STO/04 8
40040 Governance and Policies of the European Integration 1 D SPS/04 8
85236 History of Soviet Union and Russian Foreign Policy
Compulsory attendance
1 D SPS/06 8
88091 History Of European Integration (C.A.) 1 D SPS/06 8
73162 Ideology and Society in the Global World 1 D SPS/08 8
34080 International Economics (Advanced Course) 1 D SECS-P/02 8
31826 International Protection of Human Rights (Seminar)
Compulsory attendance
1 D IUS/14 8
31705 International Relations of Latin America 1 D SPS/05 8
81772 Leadership in Contemporary Democracies 1 D SPS/04 8
31664 Media, Conflicts and International Politics - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D SPS/08 8
88093 Policy Design In A Compartive Perspective - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D SPS/04 8
40036 Quantitative Methods for Social Research
Compulsory attendance
1 D SECS-P/02 8
07223 Strategic Studies 1 D SPS/04 8
87564 Topics In International Security
Compulsory attendance
1 D SPS/04 8
77092 United Stated International Relations 1 D SPS/05 8
70047 War and Politics 1 D SPS/04 8
07230 Comparative Judicial Systems 2 D SPS/04 8
78140 Decision Making Models and Institutional Change - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
82005 Economics of the EU
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/01 8
70049 Global Environmental Challenges - Not available for the year  2019/2020
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/02 8
82816 Intelligence and Political Decision Making
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
82007 International Economics Policy 2 D SPS/04 8
73148 International Relations of Africa - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 D SPS/13 8
31709 International Relations of the Middle East 2 D SPS/14 8
88092 Nationalism And Secessionalism 2 D SPS/04 8
69901 Pan-European Security
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
31841 Political Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (seminar) 2 D SPS/13 8
32187 Political Economy of Transition
Compulsory attendance
2 D SECS-P/01 8
88094 Political Theories Of Peace And War 2 D SPS/02 8
87563 Politics Of International Migration
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
85069 Politics and Justice in the Global World - Not available for the year  2019/2020 2 D SPS/04 8
40043 Politics of The World Economy
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/04 8
85235 Post-Socialist Transition and EU Enlargement Eastwards
Compulsory attendance
2 D SPS/06 8
02506 Social Sciences Methodology 2 D SPS/07 8
Gruppo di scelta - Competenze Trasversali proposte dall'Ateneo (max limit 6 CFU)


Lo studente che svolge un’esperienza di preparazione della tesi all’estero o un tirocinio all’estero può richiedere la scomposizione della prova finale così come segue:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
81990 Final Examination MA (12 cfu) 1 E 12
81355 Preparation for Final Examination Abroad 1 E 12
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 23/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 2: 19/02/2020 - 02/06/2020 A: 23/09/2019 - 02/06/2020 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
81990 Final Examination MA (12 cfu) 1 E 12
81354 Internship Abroad For Preparation For The Final Examination A E 12