The Challenges of Liberal Democracy:
15:00 - 19:00
Room 6 TH - In presence and online event
Equality, Inclusion, and Civic Disobedience
Competenze sotto l’Albero - Dialogo tra Università e Imprese
19:00 - 22:30
Grand Hotel Forlì, Via Del Partigiano, 12/bis, Forlì - In presence event
Confronto sui bisogni di competenze tra Università e aziende del territorio con Cena di networking, aspettando insieme il Natale.
The Public Perception of Immigration in Europe
15:00 - 17:00
Room 2.2 - In presence event
Giancarlo Gasperoni (University of Bologna) "The Migration Challenge in an Historical Perspective" 8 seminars organized by Francesca Fauri and Punto Europa Forlì
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive:
10:15 - 13:45
Room 3 TH - In presence event
a Paradigm Shift in the Protection of Human Rights and Environment in the EU?
Emigranti italiani ed emiliano-romagnoli in Argentina e Stati Uniti Imprenditorialità e trasmissione dei saperi
19:00 - 20:00
Room 3 TH - In presence event
Presentazione del volume di Francesca Fauri – Paolo Galassi a cura di Giuliana Laschi
Imprenditorialità e trasmissione dei saperi degli emigranti italiani ed emiliano-romagnoli in Argentina e Stati Uniti di Francesca Fauri e Paolo Galassi
19:00 - 20:00
Teaching Hub – Campus di Forlì! - In presence event
Giuliana Laschi presenta il volume (non mandatory event)
"Past and Present Migration Challenges. What European and American History Can Teach US" book presentation
11:00 - 13:00
Room 3.2 - In presence event
Francesca Fauri and Debora Mantovani (University of Bologna) "The Migration Challenge in an Historical Perspective" 8 seminars organized by Francesca Fauri and Punto Europa Forlì
Incontro di orientamento
09:00 - 13:00
aula 2.2 - In presence event
Iniziativa organizzata dal Comitato parti sociali e orientamento in uscita
The Future of Brics
All day
Room 3.1 - In presence event
The workshop is an initiative of the Organisational Unit (UOS) Forlì of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
Storia del colonialismo italiano. Politica, cultura e memoria
15:00 - 17:00
aula 3 TH - In presence event
Valeria De Plano e Alessandro Pes (Università di Cagliari), introduce Giuliana Laschi (Università di Bologna)
Afghanistan under the Taliban: the new Geography and Geopolitics of the Region and Beyond
Aula 12 Teaching Hub - Embassy and Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Rome - In presence and online event
Third “International and Diplomatic Studies Conference on Afghanistan” - Hybrid Conference in Italian and English