Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International relations and diplomatic affairs

Programme aims

If you haven’t enrolled yet, please look at code 6058.
If you have already enrolled, the course code is available in Studenti Online.

6058 - International relations and diplomatic affairs

The second cycle degree programme inInternational Relations and Diplomatic Affairs sets out to train professionalfigures able to analyse, interpret, assess and manage the issues pertaining tothe international dimension of political, economic and social phenomena in boththe public and private sector.

These figures run from geopolitical analystworking for think-tanks or businesses operating internationally to journalistspecialised in foreign policy issues, officer ininternational organisations orhumanitarian worker in NGOs. The programme therefore includes course units thatfurther study political systems and international historical, political andeconomic structures, also incomparative terms.

During the program's first year, the courseincludes mandatory units in international politics and economics, with aparticular focus on international security issues and the problems of theglobal economic system. The programme aims to foster the application of theknowledge acquired to concrete historical contexts and includes the mandatorystudy of one of the available subjects.

The second year offers more choices for thestudents from a list of elective courses, selecting course units consistentwith the disciplinary area they intend to develop or where they feel they havethe most abilities: politics, history, law, economics, and sociology.

The students can choose an elective courseallowing them to further investigate a field of study they are most interestedin or feel they are most skilled in.

The core courses in theprogramme, which canbe conveniently balanced by the students with a vast rangeof elective coursesin the various subject areas, one of the broadest in thisdegree class (52) inItaly, allow each student to gain basic theoreticalknowledge while tailoringthe programme to suit their own professionalaspirations, among those listed inthis programme sheet.

To conclude, the degree programme paysspecific importance to languages, which are fundamental for working ininternational relations at any level. The one-degree programme curriculum isdelivered entirely in English. Students must study a second foreign languagebesides English (certified to level B2 on entry).