Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Planning and Managing of Educational Intervention in Social Distress

Planning and Managing of Educational Intervention in Social Distress

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programmein Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Unease providesadvanced training in psycho-pedagogic, socio-anthropological, historical andlegal sciences, providing competences in the design, programming, managementand assessment of education and learning in the fields of prevention,rehabilitation, reduction of unease and social inclusion. The 2nd cycle degree programmein Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Uneasetherefore provides specialist training allowing graduates to work in themanagement, design and coordination… Read more

Admission requirements

Candidates for the 2nd cycledegree programme in Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention inSocial Unease shall meet the curricular requirements and must pass a test toassess their personal competencies and skills. CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS Possession of a 1st cycle degreein one of the degree classes pursuant to D.M. 270/04 and D.M. 509/99, ItalianLaw 508/99 or a degree from a previous degree system or an equivalentqualification obtained abroad, and having obtained at least 90 ECTS inhumanities, including at least 60 in M-PED, M-PSI, SPS,M-DEA/01. The acquisition of the… Read more