The 2nd cycle degree programmein Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Unease providesadvanced training in psycho-pedagogic, socio-anthropological, historical andlegal sciences, providing competences in the design, programming, managementand assessment of education and learning in the fields of prevention,rehabilitation, reduction of unease and social inclusion.
The 2nd cycle degree programmein Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention in Social Uneasetherefore provides specialist training allowing graduates to work in themanagement, design and coordination of institutions (communities, residentialfacilities, care homes, day centres, local social services, social inclusionservices) providing specific educational services to manage individual unease(linked for example to different forms of drug addiction, alcoholism,individual marginality, the risk of psycho-social deviance in minors, etc.) andsocial marginality or unease linked to new phenomena of migration and themulticultural society in a context marked by the progressive explosion ofdifferences, also in intracultural contexts.
For this purpose the programme curriculumfocuses on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical strategiesfor analysing, preventing and managing critical psychosocial conditions and uneaserelating to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, also referring tothe multicultural contexts and migratory processes characterising contemporarysociety.
Particular attention is paid to learningactivities aiming to develop knowledge of key psycho-pedagogic,socio-anthropological, historical and legal paradigms, acquiring skills in thedesign, management, coordination and assessment of educational interventions inareas of social unease and inclusion, as well as skills in the management andcoordination of group work and the type of learning to be proposed to educatorsworking in these contexts.
The learning activities include internships insocial and educational rehabilitation services, organisations managing socialinclusion and damage reduction (communities, residential facilities, care homesetc.).
Candidates for the 2nd cycledegree programme in Educational Models and Techniques for Intervention inSocial Unease shall meet the curricular requirements and must pass a test toassess their personal competencies and skills.
Possession of a 1st cycle degreein one of the degree classes pursuant to D.M. 270/04 and D.M. 509/99, ItalianLaw 508/99 or a degree from a previous degree system or an equivalentqualification obtained abroad, and having obtained at least 90 ECTS inhumanities, including at least 60 in M-PED, M-PSI, SPS,M-DEA/01.
The acquisition of the curricular B2 level in the English language is expected.
Admission to the 2nd cycledegree programme is subject to the passing of a test to assess the candidates'personal competencies and skills, which will follow the methods laid down inthe “Admission Methods”.
More details can be found in the DegreeProgramme Regulations.