For your safety in study and research areas
These are occupational health and safety training courses required by Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008. The training is compulsory and consists of:
All students who during their university career carry out internships, prepare their final dissertation, or participate in activities in any sort of laboratory.
After matriculation, you will be provided all the information required to take part in the training.
The University considers valid:
To request recognition, verify validity, and - if applicable - obtain exoneration from an equivalent training module, please send your certificate to the address provided in the Contacts section.
Specific training for the risks of chemical laboratories.
detailed schedule and classrooms of the Health and Safety training events, along with registration procedures, are available in the "highlighted" box
Please note that on Studenti OnLine you cannot upload certificates provided by entities external to University of Bologna. Therefore, it is necessary for you to keep the recognition/exoneration e-mail as a title to be shown for certification purposes, if requested.
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How can we help you: Events on specific training (Module 3): schedule and registration information
Contact person's name for the office Elianna Zirpoli; Valentina Marzetti