Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Low carbon technologies and sustainable chemistry

Final examination: modalities and deadlines

Final examination methods

How to get Trasferable Skills recognized

For the recognition of the 3 ECTS of the activity "Transferable Skills" complete and deliver the form with the list of activities by e-mail at professor Mariafrancesca Fochi (

How to start the Master Thesis research project

The student must fill in a request form for the assignment of the Tutor and the Thesis topic having completed at least 45 credits. The experimental part of the Thesis can be carried out in university institutions or in other external structures, even abroad. The Tutor assesses the congruity of the Thesis topic within the purpose of the Master Degree.

After the completion of the Master Thesis research project, the student can access the final examination.


Final examination

The final examination consists in the submission of a Thesis (original manuscript report) related to original experimental activities in research fields that are relevant to the Master Course.

The thesis is publicly discussed in front of a Commission designated by the Council of the Master Course. The Commission evaluates the work carried out by the student having in mind her/his study curriculum. During the discussion the student will present the work carried out with the help of slides and the Commission will then ask in-depth questions on methodological aspects, results and possible developments of the work.

The final score is the sum of the average weighted marks of all exams (based on 110) and the score of the final examination from the Commission.


Admission to the final examination

The admission request to the final examination must be presented through the “Studenti Online” service within the deadlines reported below (deadline for applying on Studenti Online – D0). After the deadline, a late application is still possible by paying a € 100 fee (Late deadline for applying on Studenti Online-D1)

One graduation session is scheduled each year. The session includes a number of dates, each with their deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements and dates.

For the admission to the final exam, the student must have passed all exams and obtained all the training credits of the Master course programme, except the 2 CFU for the "Final Examination" activity (Deadline for requisite – D2).

Tuition fees must be paid and the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online must be compiled.

The request for admission to the final examination is valid only for one session and not for the following ones. If a student does not get her/his degree in the session for which she/he was admitted, the request must be resubmitted for the next session.


Students need to upload the final thesis in pdf format on Studenti Online within seven days before the date set for the final examination. The thesis content needs to be agreed upon with the Supervisor in advance. (Thesis upload – D3)

Supervisors must approve the thesis uploaded (thesis approval – D4).


Students can publish the digital format of the final thesis on the institutional repository of the University of Bologna: Alma DL AMS-Tesi online (see instructions on the attachments box)

Please note: It is forbidden to use the University of Bologna logo anywhere on the thesis. 

Registration of your internship(s)

Internship(s) must be registered according to the modalities explained here:

If you are heading to graduate, please note that the registration of the internship ECTS must be done by the deadline for meeting the requirements for the admission to the degree examination (see the Calendar attached).

In order to have ECTS of the internship recorded by the deadline, you must upload to SOL-Internships the documents required for the completion of the internship at least 10 working days before the due date of fulfilling the requirements.

Graduation sessions


I Session

II Session

III Session

IV Session

Opening of graduation application online





Online graduation application submission deadline





Deadline for submitting graduation applications online with late payment D1





Requirements deadline D2





Thesis UpLoad deadline D3





Approval deadline by the supervisor D4





Graduation sessions

from 15 to 19 July 2024

form 14 to 18 october 2024

from 27 to 31 January 2025

from 17 to 21 March 2025