Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Marine Biology

Course structure diagrams for students enrolled a.y. 2019-20

First Year

Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
28309 Applied Marine Botany 1 B BIO/01 6
26337 English Proficiency B2 1 F 6
28335 Marine Environmental Laws 1 B IUS/10 6
88062 Natural and Urbanised Marine Ecosystems 1 B BIO/07 6
37645 Animal Adaptation in the Marine Environment 2 B BIO/09 6
66758 Marine Population Structure and Connectivity 2 B BIO/05 6
66756 Experimental Design and Data Analysis A B BIO/07 6
37675 Experimental Marine Laboratory D F BIO/07 6
66759 Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemical Cycles D B BIO/19 6
75613 Introduction to Marine Sciences P C GEO/02 6

Second Year

1) Percorso Formativo a Scelta (12 CFU)

Percorso 1 - Biodiversità Marina e Sostenibilità (max limit 12 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88397 Genetic and Biological Conservation 1 C BIO/07 6
88398 Marine Spatial Planning and Monitoring of Marine Environment 1 C BIO/07 6
Percorso 2 - Biotecnologie Blu (max limit 12 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88399 Bioactive molecules from marine organisms 1 C BIO/01 6
88064 Genetic and Genomic Applications in Fishery and Aquaculture 1 C BIO/05 6

2) Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
82415 Hot Topics in Marine Sciences C B BIO/05 6
70020 Final Examination (15 CFU) E E 15

3) Preparazione Prova Finale (15 CFU)

Lo studente deve scegliere 15 CFU tra una delle due AF: Preparazione per la prova finale (44304) oppure Preparazione per la prova finale all'estero (81355)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
44304 Preparation for the Final Examination E E 15
81355 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad E E 15

4) Corsi a libera scelta dello studente - piani web (max limit 50 CFU)

Scegli almeno 12 crediti tra tutte le attività formative dell'Ateneo. Il Corso di Studio considera coerenti con il percorso formativo le attività di seguito proposte e/o tutte le attività dell'ambito di Scienze:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 14/10/2019 - 15/01/2020 2: 11/03/2020 - 27/05/2020 A: 14/10/2019 - 20/12/2019 B: 11/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 C: 02/12/2019 - 02/03/2020 D: 09/03/2020 - 07/04/2020 E: 14/10/2019 - 18/05/2020 P: 14/10/2019 - 21/10/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
72853 Biology of Fishery Resources 1 D BIO/05 6
37671 Chemical Oceanography - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D CHIM/01 3
88403 ECONOMIA E POLITICA DELLE RISORSE MARINE - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D AGR/01 6
91829 Endocrinology of Marine Vertebrates 1 D BIO/09 3
91356 Harmful Algal Blooms and Biotoxins - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D BIO/01 3
88423 MARINE STRATEGY DIRECTIVE: OBIETTIVI E IMPLEMENTAZIONE - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D BIO/07 3
84317 Marine Ecotoxicology 1 D BIO/07 3
02627 Marine Geology 1 D GEO/02 3
91357 ZOOLOGIA MARINA APPLICATA ALLE BIOTECNOLOGIE BLU - Not available for the year  2019/2020 1 D BIO/05 6
37670 Underwater Scientific Research E D BIO/07 6
69438 Juridical Disciplines of Protected Marine Areas P D IUS/06 3