Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Marine Biology

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
To benefit by a Master's degree programme in Marine Biology one needs to have basic knowledge in general biology, botany, zoology, microbiology,… Read more

Call for application


The master’s degree course in Marine Biology has no participant limits; however, admission to the degree course is subject to obtaining the NULLA OSTA (clearance) issued based on the following necessary REQUIREMENTS and the subsequent merit ASSESSMENT

The calendar with the deadlines for enrolling in the academic year. 2024/54 will be inserted as soon as possible on this page. In the meantime, you can check the steps to take by consulting the information below relating to the academic year. 2023/2024.


Knowledge required for access

To be admitted to the master's degree course in Marine Biology, you must have a three-year university degree or diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable. It is also necessary to possess curricular requirements, knowledge and skills in the B1 level English language, and to pass an assessement of the adequacy of personal preparation.


Sectoral skills and knowledge (Curricular requirements)

A. Have obtained a degree or possess another qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable in one of the following classes:

ex D.M. 270/04:

  • L-13 Biological Sciences
  • L-32 Science and technology for the environment and nature
  • L-02 Biotechnology
  • L-38 Zootechnical sciences and animal production technologies

ex D.M. 509/99:

  • 12-Biological sciences
  • 27-Science and technology for the environment and nature
  • 01-Biotechnologies
  • 40-Science and technology of zootechnics and animal

Previous order:

  • Biological science
  • Natural Science
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Veterinary sciences


B. Be in possession of a degree in one of the degree classes pursuant to Ministerial Decree. 270/04, of the Ministerial Decree 509/99, of Law 508/99 or possess a degree under previous systems or an equivalent qualification even obtained abroad and have acquired at least 56 university training credits (ECTS) in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors:

  • Mathematics and computer science (MAT/01-09, INF/01) at least 6 ECTS
  • Physics (FIS/01-08) at least 6 ECTS
  • Chemistry (CHIM/01/02/03/06/12) at least 10 ECTS
  • Biology (BIO/01-19) at least 34 ECTS.


Assessment of the adequacy of personal preparation

Admission to the master's degree course is subject to passing an assessment of the adequacy of personal preparation which will take place according to the procedures defined in the admission procedure point.


Assessment of linguistic knowledge and skills

The course is in Italian, of which a proficient knowledge is required. To access the course of study, knowledge and skills in the B1 level English language must be verified through a university career or the possession of a corresponding linguistic certification.


Verification of the adequacy of personal preparation

The assessment of admission or non-admission to the course of study is formulated with the unquestionable judgment of the examining commission, once the adequacy of personal preparation on university-level knowledge of general biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry, physiology, cellular biology has been verified , genetics, ecology, mathematics, physics, general and organic chemistry, as well as B1 level English language skills through the analysis of the documentation presented by the candidates and through interviews.

In particular, the verification of personal preparation is considered verified if the graduate is in possession of a degree referred to in point A of the curricular requirements, is in possession of a B1 or higher English level certification and has obtained an equal degree grade or higher than 96/110 or, in the case of undergraduates in the degree classes listed, with a weighted average equal to or higher than 25.00/30. With lower marks and for all the cases referred to in point B of the curricular requirements, candidates will have to take the interview according to the methods established annually by the Course of Study when presenting the teaching program and made known to students via the University Portal.


  1. To obtain the weighted average, the grade of 30 cum laude will be equated to 30 and two decimal figures will be considered in the calculation.
  2. For qualifications acquired abroad, the degree grades (or the weighted average for undergraduates) will be converted according to the formula:

Rating = (V-Vmin)/(Vmax-Vmin) * (Imax - Imin) + Imin

V = Vote to be converted
Vmin = Minimum passing grade at the home University
Vmax = Maximum mark in the home University
Imin = Minimum mark for passing in Italian Universities (= 66 out of 110 or 18 out of 30)
Imax = Maximum mark in Italian Universities (= 110 out of 110 or 30 out of 30)


The clearance for enrolment can be issued before obtaining the three-year degree (solution recommended also for those who expect to graduate between September and December). Enrolment can only take place after the achievement of the three-year degree.

Students in possession of the educational requirements (qualification or ECTS) set out in the Academic Regulations of the Master's Degree Course in Marine Biology ( and who obtain eligibility following the assessment of personal preparation, will be able to enrol in the Master's Degree Course through the Studenti Online portal.


In the absence of the clearance, the candidate will not be able to enrol in the MSc in Marine Biology even if in possession of a qualification required by the regulation.



To verify that they meet the requirements and evaluate merit, candidates must register on the Studenti Online portal by uploading the following documentation:

  • Certificate or self-certification of the Degree Diploma with indication of the Degree Class and list of exams taken with relative grades and SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sectors)
  • equivalences will be assessed for foreign qualifications
  • for candidates who have yet to obtain their academic qualification, in the event of a positive outcome of the evaluation, they will be able to enrol if they graduate by December;
  • Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum with legible handwritten signature (only the downloadable format from the University website is accepted, under penalty of exclusion) containing the following information:
  • detailed Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum;
  • title of the final exam or degree thesis;
  • motivations: argumentation of the 5 chosen keywords (no more than three lines for each word);
  • scanned copy of a valid identity document.

Deadlines for submitting the application

I) Thursday 20/07/2023 (ore 12:00)

II) Monday 25/09/2023 (ore 12:00)

III) Friday 20/10/2023 (ore 12:00)

IV) Thursday 16/11/2023 (ore 12:00)

The results of the assessment of qualifications will be available on the Studenti Online portal on the following dates:

I) Tuesday 25/07/2023

II) Thursday 28/09/2023

III) Tuesday 24/10/2023 (without late payment fee if enrolled by 26 October 2023)

IV) Tuesday 21/11/2023 (with payment late fee)


  • Ordinary terms: 27 July - 26 October 2023
  • Final deadline with fines: 27 October - 23 November 2023
  • Deadline for obtaining the first cycle qualification for conditional enrolments: 28 December 2023
  • Deadline for completing enrolment: 29 February 2024


Applications received after the deadline or missing part of the required documentation will not be considered valid and will be rejected.

The clearance can be requested before obtaining the three-year degree, in which case the judgment will be based on the weighted average of the exams taken in the current career. There are several evaluation sessions, if the candidate does not obtain a positive evaluation, he can apply again in a subsequent session.

Obtaining the authorization in time will be useful for planning accommodation in Ravenna and attending the courses, which will begin in October.

All interested applicants are therefore invited to register for the first evaluation session in July

For further clarification and for a preliminary evaluation of your curriculum vitae, send a message to:

Tuition Fee Amounts

Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2024 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education. First year students with an ISEE of less than or equal to € 27,000. Above this limit, tuition fees are calculated progressively.

The ISEE value must be submitted, even if you have not enrolled in the Degree Programme, by 30 October 2024, at 6:00pm (or by 15 November 2024, at 6:00pm, paying a 100 € penalty) accessing ER-GO Online Services, alternatively you will have to pay the full amount.

If you are an international student, verify how your tuition fees will be calculated according to your country of origin and the country where your family has income and assets.

Read all information about tuition fees and exemptions.


After you have checked that all the admission requirements have been met, you can enrol on  Studenti Online:

  1. fill in the application for matriculation with the required information and attach a passport photo in digital format;
  2. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees;
  3. follow the instructions to complete the procedure which you will find on Studenti Online according to your profile.

List of deadlines

Regular matriculation from 2023-07-27 12:30 to 2023-10-26 12:30
Matriculation with late payment from 2023-10-27 12:30 to 2023-11-23 12:30
Deadline for completion of enrollment 2024-02-29 15:30