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Curricular Internship

Curricular internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits contemplated in the course structure diagram of their degree programme, which also allow to acquire practical skills and make initial contact with the world of work.

The curricular traineeship is a training activity that allows students to acquire the training credits envisaged in the Course syllabus and is an opportunity to acquire practical skills and foster an initial contact with the world of work.

The traineeship is activated on the basis of an agreement between the University of Bologna and the host party (company, public body, professional studio, etc.) and a traineeship programme signed by the parties concerned.

The traineeship cannot be carried out in a structure in which the legal manager, partner or manager responsible has ties of kinship or affinity within the 2nd degree with the student applicant.

The "Health and Safety mandatory training" course is compulsory for all students wishing to undertake an internship (check section "Insurance cover and safety course").

Final project (15 CFU)

The student must choose one of the three groups A or B or C:

- GROUP A (15 CFU)
B2415 Final project (15 CFU)

- GROUP B (9 + 6 CFU)
The student must choose the Final project and another activity from those listed in the group.
B2416 Final project  (9 CFU)

In addition to the 9 cfu of the Final project, the student must choose another 6 CFU activity from those listed:

B2418 Internship Abroad in preparation for the final project (6 CFU)
B2643 Internship in preparation for the final project (6 CFU)
B2417 Preparation for the final project abroad (6 CFU)

- GROUP C (3 + 12 CFU)
The student must choose the Final project and another activity from those listed in the group.
B2416 Final project  (9 CFU)

In addition to the 3 cfu of the Final project, the student must choose another activity from those listed:
B2421 Internship Abroad in preparation for the final project (12 CFU)
B2422 Internship in preparation for the final project (12 CFU)
B2420 Preparation for the final project abroad(12 CFU)

The Traineeship Commission usually meets on the first Monday of the month (not August), any extraordinary dates will be published on this webpage