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Curricular Internships and dissertation-related internships

The Internship Committee usually meets on the first and third Mondays of the month (no August), except for extraordinary meetings. However, it is ensured that deadlines for undergraduate requirements will be met.

The curricular internship is an educational activity that allows students to acquire the educational credits provided in the
Course curriculum and is an opportunity to acquire practical skills and encourage initial contact with the world of work.
The internship is activated based on an agreement signed between the University of Bologna and the host party (company, public body, professional firm, etc.) and an internship program signed between the parties involved.
The internship can be held within (e.g. laboratory, ...) the University.
The internship may not be held at a facility where the legal manager, partner or manager in charge has ties of kinship or affinity within the 2nd degree, with the student applicant.
The “Occupational Safety and Health” course is mandatory for all students who intend to do
an internship (check section “Health and Safety mandatory training")

Dissertation-related internship 

Final project (15 CFU)
The student must choose one of the three groups A or B or C:

- GROUP A (15 CFU)
Final project (15 CFU)

- GROUP B (9 + 6 CFU)
Final project  (9 CFU)
In addition to the 9 cfu of the Final project, the student must choose another 6 CFU activity from those listed:
Internship Abroad in preparation for the final project (6 CFU)
Internship in preparation for the final project (6 CFU)
Preparation for the final project abroad (6 CFU) 

- GROUP C (3 + 12 CFU)
 Final project  (3 CFU)
In addition to the 3 cfu of the Final project, the student must choose another activity from those listed:
Internship Abroad in preparation for the final project (12 CFU)
Internship in preparation for the final project (12 CFU)
Preparation for the final project abroad (612CFU) 

Elective course (Laboratories)

Learning by doing Internship (6 CFU)

The Learning by doing internship consists in projects aimed at the creation of prototype solutions, developed under the supervision of a professor of the degree course who assumes responsibility for them. It is generally carried out in the university labs and in project teams where the University is involved (e.g. Uniboat, Unibo Motorsport, Onda Solare, etc.)