Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability

Expected learning outcomes

Students with the Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability have a solid knowledge in the field of Mechanical Engineering, which constitutes the basis for the deepening of both complementary knowledge and further detailed studies of the characterizing disciplines of the field. The degree's multidisciplinary approach is guaranteed by complementary educational activities and laboratory activities in areas similar or related to Engineering.
Aspects related to the product and processes' environmental, economic, and social sustainability are analyzed in the compulsory courses, and then further explored in optional courses that each student can choose to best complete her/his study plan. Overall, students of the Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability become familiar with:
- advanced tools for products and components modelling;
- advanced mechanical design methods;
- advanced metalworking technologies;
- the most widely used advanced mathematical methods in Engineering;
- the principles of electromechanical energy conversion and the characteristics of main electrical machines;
- traditional and innovative energy systems;
- theoretical principles, functional diagrams, component selection criteria for mechanical systems and industrial logistics;
- the principles of functional design and modelling of mechanisms, and vibration analysis;
- the application of sustainability paradigms in the field of industrial automation;
- the sustainable use of resources for mobility, energy conversion and transport, and the sustainable design of industrial plants;
- design methods and production technologies for the development of sustainable products.
Knowledge will be acquired through lectures in presence, classroom exercises and individual study.
Learning outcomes will be tested mainly through written or oral examinations and classroom tests.
The Master's degree graduate is able to design sustainable products by using design methods and technologies that allow the adoption of advanced materials, implement efficient industrial automation systems, use new digital technologies for the efficiency of industrial processes, guide company choices in the field of energy conversion and of energy transport, and in the mobility and plant design fields.
The learning skills in terms of applied knowledge and understanding will be acquired through class lectures and the execution of numerical and laboratory exercises.
The teaching approaches include attendance to seminars and exercise sessions, either in the classroom or in the laboratory, guided self-study and independent study. Learning outcomes will be tested mainly through written or oral examinations and classroom tests.
Thanks to the presence of application-based teaching, the carrying out of projects, and the company testimonials that are offered during the course, the Master's degree student is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge and can:
- analyze Engineering problems, generally in the mechanical and industrial field, making use of multidisciplinary methodologies and technologies that allow the analysis to be extended to the field of product and process sustainability;
- propose solutions to complex problems, taking into account not only technical issues but also socio-economic-environmental aspects, using multidisciplinary approaches, moving from theoretical formulation to practical synthesis;
- design sustainable products and processes by understanding market demands and using digitization tools to make the development phase faster and more efficient, and the life cycle sustainable;
- conduct complex experiments, using and possibly developing highly advanced instrumentation and software;
- experiment with new methodologies and technologies to develop products and processes;
- communicate, also in English, with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and, in general, with social partners outside the Engineering field, in order to better define the constraints and specifications of the product/process that needs to be developed, and effectively show the proposed solutions;
- manage team-working, also in a heterogeneous, international, multicultural and multidisciplinary context.
The Master's degree graduate:
- is able to identify, formulate and solve design or production process problems of industrial products, even if these are a completely new item by company standards;
- is able to keep up with methods, techniques and tools in the field of Mechanical Engineering, either by informing himself or by following specialized courses aimed at acquiring new skills;
- is able to independently coordinate activities in the fields of experimentation, research and development, testing and quality control of conventional and unconventional products;
- is able to assess the impact of technologies, materials, machines, and equipment used on industrial sustainability of products and processes.
The educational activities included in the study plan promote the ability to apply, using an interdisciplinary approach, and the knowledge acquired throughout the degree program. The activities strengthen judgement autonomy, increased through the development of projects, experiments, and applications also within the framework of other courses. The ability to judge is also acquired through meetings and discussions with industrial and research representatives promoted through the organization of seminars, conferences, and company visits: company testimonials are considered essential in order to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the courses.
The Master's thesis represents the highest moment in which the student, confronted with the Mechanical Engineering context, elaborates original and innovative ideas. The student takes on the task of illustrating the aforementioned ideas by supporting their validity during the thesis discussion. The internship activity in preparation for the Master's thesis allows the student to acquire the necessary judgement autonomy for the development of the final project in a professional context.
The Master's degree graduate:
- is able to communicate successfully in written and oral form in English as well as in Italian, with particular reference to technical language;
- is able to autonomously draft technical reports on projects, company standards, technical manuals and interpret similar documents written by others;
- is able to collect, filter and evaluate data, making autonomous judgements on their technical relevance;
- can communicate data, information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists, also in technical fields that differ from Mechanical Engineering;
- can work or integrate into teamwork, also in the role of manager or coordinator;
- can, therefore, also interact with subjects and professions other than her/his own.
The teaching approach involves, in some degree characterizing courses and in the thesis work, applications and tests that stimulate active participation, a proactive attitude and the ability to communicate the results of the work that has been carried out. The examination methods are also fundamental in assessing and deepening students' different communication skills. According to the specificities of the educational module, these are differentiated into oral/written, textual/graphic, and individual/group tests. All the teachings, exercise sessions, examinations and the final project are conducted in English. This aspect, together with the international dimension of the degree program, which hosts international students and adheres to international student mobility programs for study abroad, accustoms the student to English communication.
The Master's degree graduate:
- is able to independently update herself/himself on methods, techniques and tools in the field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, in the field of design, including innovative design, technology, modelling, optimization, advanced functional analysis, structural and fluid-dynamic simulations, the fine-tuning of complex mechanical and industrial plants, industrial automation, and tools for the assessment of industrial sustainability;
- has all the necessary tools to undertake, with a high degree of autonomy, subsequent in-depth studies (PhD or Master's degree) in Italy or abroad, as well as to constantly update and improve her/his skills, as currently required for someone working as a professional in the field.
The educational activities of the study program aim to provide, rather than detailed and exhaustive information on the technical problems of Mechanical Engineering, the right methodology and ability to approach Engineering problems that are not necessarily the same or similar to those faced during studies. This approach aims to support the development of a constant learning ability and the capacity of undertaking further studies even after the completion of the Master's degree, either independently or through postgraduate courses. The Master's degree courses use teaching methodologies such as the analysis and resolution of different and complex problems, the integration of the various disciplines and team-working; these methodologies foster the acquisition of autonomous learning skills.
Learning outcomes will be tested mainly through written or oral examinations, which may include the development of projects that need to be presented in front of the examination committee.