Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

NEW!! The Call for applications for admission to the a.y. 2025/2026 (starting September 2025) has been published! 

Check out for requirements, deadlines and important dates in the box below

Please read the call for applications that you can find on right-hand side box carefully!

In order to be admitted to the second cycle degree/two year master programme in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability, students must have a bachelor's degree or a three-year or five-year university italian diploma, or a foreign degree qualification recognised as suitable.

Students may apply even if they do not hold a Bachelor's degree yet if they have registered at least 135 credits (or 75% completed modules or programme)

Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass an evaluation procedure.


  1. Degree classes admitted or foreign degree qualification recognised as suitable:
  • ex Italian Law D.M. 270/04:
  • L-9 Ingegneria Industriale [Industrial engineering]
  • L-8 Ingegneria dell'Informazione [Information technology engineering]
  • or an equivalent degree qualification pursuant to previous Italian regulations.
  1. to meet all the following requirements of credits (CFU/ECTS):
  • at least 18 CFU/ECTS obtained in the field of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science;
  • at least 12 CFU/ECTS obtained in the field of Physical Sciences;
  • at least 18 CFU/ECTS obtained in the disciplinary fields of Mechanical Engineering (Italian SSD): ING-IND/08, ING-IND/09, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/12, ING-IND/13, ING-IND/14, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17.

Admission to the second cycle degree/two-year master programme requires candidates to positively pass the assessment of their personal preparation according to the methods defined in the degree programme teaching regulations.

The personal preparation will be assessed through the documents evaluation and an online interview.

Candidates registered in either intake two or three who hold an Italian diploma in L-9 degree class which name includes the words Mechanical Engineering are exempted from the assessment of the suitable preparation, thus the oral interview.

Applicants who attach a GRE with scores in the three areas equal to or higher than those indicated below to their application:
Verbal Score: 150
GRE Quantitative Score: 160
GRE Writing Score: 3.5
are exempted from taking the test, but will still have to take the qualifying interview.

English language skills (B2 level), based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, are also required. If you do not have any of the certificates listed in the call for applications, you can sit the OOPT test in the date indicated below.

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to attend one of the OOPT organised by the University laguage Centre (CLA) of the University of Bologna, you must let us know with at least 10 days notice from the test date, so that we can register you for the test.  You should send a request to using your unibo email address, as specified in the call for applications.

Admission to the master's degree is subject to a B2 level Italian language skills. Foreign students not in possession of the requirement must add a learning activity in the study plan, in order to achieve the level required.

Please find here a summary of the deadlines:

1st intake

apply by January 27th 2025 by 13.00 CEST

2nd intake

from March 11th to May 15th 2025 by 13.00 CEST

3rd intake

from June 26th to September 12th 2025 by 13.00 CEST


OOPT organised by the University Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Bologna

If candidates do not hold any of the certificates listed in the call for applications, nor have sat an OOPT for admission to another MSc programme of the University of Bologna for the a.y. 2025/2026, they can request to be registered for one the OOPT dates organised by the University Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Bologna.

Candidates can only sit one test.

The OOPT will take place on the following dates:

  • 23/01/2025
  • 04/03/2025
  • 08/04/2025
  • 06/05/2025
  • 04/06/2025
  • 02/07/2025
  • 04/07/2025
  • 09/07/2025