Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Music and Theatre Studies

Music and Theatre Studies

  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Open access
  • Degree Programme Class LM-45 - Musicology and musical heritage
    LM-65 - Performing arts and multimedia productions
  • Degree Programme Director Enrico Pitozzi
  • Department Arts - DARvipem
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

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Programme aims

The second-cycle interclass degree programme in Music and Theatre gives graduates a thorough knowledge of: the history of Western music and theatre, seen as arts and sciences; their techniques and the traditions of theory, philosophy and criticism in their study; the connections between music and theatre, as well as their relation to the development of other arts and sciences; and the study of non-European music aland theatrical cultures. In the field of theatre, there is a special focus oncontemporary performing arts. The programme's graduates are experts in the various professions… Read more

Admission requirements

Curricular requirements, ascertainment there of and assessment of personal knowledge. To benefit from a second-cycle interclass master's degree in Music and Theatre (ClassesLM-45 and LM-65), run by the Department of Arts (visual, performing and media),Bologna University, School of Arts Humanities and Cultural Heritage, candidates need the following specific areas of knowledge: (a) a grounding in musicology; (b) a grounding in live performing arts studies; (c) office automation basic skills, plus one EU language besides Italian (if Italianstudents), or good spoken and written… Read more