Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Music and Theatre Studies

Curriculum Music Studies: for students enrolled a.y. 2023-24

First Year

1. Compulsory Courses

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
96548 History of Music Composition Techniques (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
28503 Musical Dramaturgy (LM) L-ART/07 12
28126 Theories and Cultures of Representation (LM) L-ART/05 12

2. One course to be selected among these listed below (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
28951 History of Performing Arts in the Ancient World (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/05 6
28129 Italian Drama and Theatre Literature (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/10 6
87699 Literature and Philology of modern and contemporary (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/10 6
72460 Medieval and Humanistic Literature and Philology (1) (LM) L-FIL-LET/10 6

3. One course to be selected among these listed below (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
95876 Ethnomusicology and Anthropology of Music (I.C.) (Lm)
95736  Anthropology of Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/08 6
95735  Ethnomusicology (1) (Lm) L-ART/08 6
95877 History and Historiography of Music (I.C.) (Lm)
95879  History and Historiography of 20th Century Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
95878  History and Historiography of Medieval and Renaissance Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
B1693 History and Historiography of Music of the Eighteenth-Nineteenth Century (I.C.) (LM)
B1695  History Historiography of Music of the Nineteenth Century (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
B1694  History and Historiography of Music of the Eighteenth Century (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
78077 History of Instruments and the Orchestra (LM) L-ART/07 12
28507 Music Philology (LM) L-ART/07 12
98813 Musical Traditions in Asia (LM) L-ART/08 12
89986 Musicology, Philosophy, Aesthetics (LM) L-ART/07 12

4. One course to be selected among these listed below (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
95880 History and Practices of Directing (Lm) L-ART/05 12
75789 Theatres in Asia (LM) L-ART/05 12
95881 Theories and Practices of Dance (Lm) L-ART/05 12
95882 Theories and Techniques of Drama Composition (I.C.) (Lm)
95884  Techniques of Drama Composition (1) (Lm) L-ART/05 6
95883  Theories of Drama Composition (1) (Lm) L-ART/05 6

4bis. Anticipation of the Internship planned for the Second Year (max limit 6 CFU)

Students have the possibility to start their internship, planned for 2nd year as an elective activity, at the end of their lessons of the 1st year.
cfu ? Credits
28119 Work Placement (1) )LM) 6

Second Year

5. One course to be selected among these listed below (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
89984 Comparative History in the Contemporary Age (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6
27992 Contemporary Aesthetics M-FIL/04 6
28489 History of Cities (1) (LM) M-STO/01 6
89985 Narrations of Political-Cultural Crises in the Contemporary Age (1) (LM) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 M-STO/04 6
B1678 Politics and Visual Culture in Contemporary History (1) (LM) M-STO/04 6

6. One course of 12 CFU and one course of 6 CFU, or three courses of 6 CFU to be selected among these listed below (18 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
33843 Anthropology of Dance (1) (LM) M-DEA/01 6
95736 Anthropology of Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/08 6
95735 Ethnomusicology (1) (Lm) L-ART/08 6
B1695 History Historiography of Music of the Nineteenth Century (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
95879 History and Historiography of 20th Century Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
95878 History and Historiography of Medieval and Renaissance Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
B1694 History and Historiography of Music of the Eighteenth Century (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
78077 History of Instruments and the Orchestra (LM) L-ART/07 12
96561 History of Music in the Media (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
92905 History of Popular Music (1) (Lm) L-ART/07 6
78079 Methodology of Musical Analysis (1) (LM) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 L-ART/07 6
28507 Music Philology (LM) L-ART/07 12
75791 Musical Paleography (1) (LM) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 L-ART/07 6
89986 Musicology, Philosophy, Aesthetics (LM) L-ART/07 12
28513 Organ Musical Studies (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6
96559 Pedagogy and Didactics of Music L-ART/07 12
75792 Pedagogy of Artistic Expression (1) (LM) M-PED/01 6
28581 Psychology of Music (1) (2nd cycle) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 M-PSI/01 6
95887 Sociology of Music (1) (LM) L-ART/07 6

7. B2 Language Test (6 CFU)

For information about linguistic skills please contact CLA Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, via Filippo Re, 10 - Bologna, tel. 051/2099890, e-mail: |
cfu ? Credits
26337 English Language Test B - 2 6
26357 French Language Test B - 2 6
26345 German Language Test B - 2 6
26351 Spanish Language Test B - 2 6

8. One or more activities to be selected among these listed below (12 CFU)

It is recommended to choose at least an Internship or A Laboratory (max limit 12 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
27928 Laboratory (1) (LM) 6
28119 Work Placement (1) )LM) 6

9. Final Examination (18 CFU)

Students must select one of the two modalities: one modality offers the possibility to obtain some of the 18 credits with different activities in preparation of the final examination
A) Final Examination (18 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
This modality does not include any preparation abroad.
cfu ? Credits
29429 Final Examination (LM) 18
B) Final Examination (6 CFU) with Preparation Abroad (12 CFU) (max limit 18 CFU)
This modality includes a period of preparation abroad in agreement with your supervisor. Students also have the opportunity to apply for grants for studying abroad offered by University of Bologna.
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
86263 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU) (LM)
Students who choose this option must plan with their supervisor the final examination project at the beginning of the 2nd year