Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Offshore Engineering for Energy Transition

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar A.Y. 2024/25

Lessons for the Degree Programme - Ravenna Campus will follow the calendar below:

I Period: from 16/09/2024 to 19/12/2024

Classes suspended for graduation sessions on 15/10/2024 and 11/12/2024.
Classes suspended for holidays on 1/11/2024.

II Period: from 17/02/2025 to 13/06/2025

Classes suspended for graduation sessions on 20/03/2025.
Classes suspended for holidays from 17/04/2023 to 25/04/2023 (Easter holidays and Liberation Day), on 1-2/05/2025 and on 02/06/2025.

Exam sessions:

First period: from 20/12/2024 to 14/02/2025
Second period: from 16/06/2025 to 12/09/2025 (Exams are usually not set in August in conjunction with holidays/closures)

Academic Calendar A.Y. 2025/26

Lessons for the Degree Programme - Ravenna Campus will follow the calendar below:

I Period: from 15/09/2025 to 19/12/2025

Classes suspended for graduation sessions on 13/10/2025 and 10/12/2025.
Classes suspended for holidays on 08/12/2025.

II Period: from 16/02/2026 to 05/06/2026

Classes suspended for graduation sessions on 20/03/2026.
Classes suspended for holidays from 02/04/2026 to 07/04/2026 (Easter holidays), on 01/05/2024 and on 01-02/06/2026.

Exam sessions:

First period: from 22/12/2025 to 13/02/2026
Second period: from 08/06/2026 to 11/09/2026