Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Offshore Engineering for Energy Transition

Programme aims

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6056 - Offshore Engineering for Energy Transition

The objective of the second-cycle degree programmeis to train Offshore engineers for energy transition, as highly-specialisedprofessionals working in industrial sectors enhancing conventional andrenewable energy sources in today's complex context of decarbonisation andenergy transition policies and initiatives.

These technical experts therefore have significant innovation and designskills, have the competencies needed to work successfully in the design,operational management, control, safety, and verification of the environmentaland economic sustainability of offshore and coastal installations, systems, andstructures.

The learningoutcomes of the degree programme are pursued by structuring areas of learningconsistent with the competencies required by the professional profiles to betrained, drawing from the specific curricula offered as described below.

1) Basicknowledge required to develop professional skills, including the application ofmathematics to solve numerical design and simulation problems, the applicationof fluid dynamics and heat dynamics and mechanical and structural designelements to the integrated design of offshore plants and systems.

2) Knowledgeof the marine environment, including met-oceanic conditions, the descriptionand modelling of sea states, fluid-structure interaction, the geotechnicalcharacterisation of sea beds and the materials used in offshore and subseaplants and their integrity.

3) Specificknowledge of offshore resources and technologies, offshore systems andstructures supporting their transformation, with particular reference toanalytical methods and research, extraction and energy production technologies.

4)Professional knowledge of installation and structure design complete thecurriculum, providing the specific professional competencies needed to designoffshore systems, recognising the specific interrelation between these twoaspects.

5) Knowledgerelating to monitoring, safety and environment is also central and transversalin the operational management of offshore structures and plants, particularlywith regard to the installation, maintenance and decommissioning phases.

The trainingis supplemented by laboratory work, independent design activities and/or byindustrial internships and completed by the development and maturation ofautonomy, communication and independent learning skills.

Thecurriculum prepares the graduate properly, taking a systemic view of thespectrum of competencies indicated above, in order to guarantee the ability torespond to various specialist needs linked to the advanced analysis andsustainable and safe design of offshore processes and installations.

Flexibilityis guaranteed by the presence of two groups of elective course units, which inthe field of the five underlined learning areas allow students to further theirknowledge and acquire additional specific skills in two different aspects: thesustainable design of offshore plants and processes; and the design ofrenewable energy production systems. In these two pathways, conventionalsystems and technologies are accompanied by the emerging technologies forenergy transition, including the production of hydrogen from the sea, carbondioxide capturing and storage, floating structures for farming wind energy andwave energy conversion devices.