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9249 - Offshore Engineering
The objective of the second-cycle degreeprogramme is to train Offshore Engineers, as highly-specialised professionalscapable of operating at an international level in the professional contextsaddressed by the degree programme. In particular, the objective of the degreeprogramme is to train professionals for industrial sectors that leverage bothconventional and renewable energy sources, for the management of coastal areasand littoral zones and for the enhancement for biological resources, havingregard for environmental sustainability.
These technical experts, with marked designand innovation skills, have the competencies needed to work successfully in thedesign, operational management, control, safety and verification of theenvironmental and economic sustainability of offshore and coastalinstallations, systems and structures.
Thelearning outcomes of the degree programme are pursued by structuring areas oflearning consistent with the competencies required by the professional profilesto be trained, drawing from the specific curricula offered. In particular, thepreparatory knowledge needed for the professional competencies will beprovided, including the application of mathematics to the solution of numericdesign and simulation problems, the application of fluid dynamics in thespecific context of marine environments and offshore installations, andelements of solid and structure mechanics. Specific knowledge of thermodynamics, earth mechanics and geomatics willbe provided in relation to those topic studied in more detail.
Thedegree programme will also provide vocational knowledge about theenvironmental, safety and sustainability aspects, within specific course unitson management of the environmental, monitoring, remediation and safety aspects.These topics will also be embeddeddrivers in the course units dedicated to the design and management ofinstallations, systems and structures.
Afurther area of learning will focus on providing students with specificknowledge of offshore and coastal technologies, systems and structures, withparticular reference to technologies for the production of offshore petroleumresources and offshore renewable energies, as well as for the enhancement ofbiotic resources.
Lastly, learning areas regarding installationand structure design complete the curriculum, providing the specificprofessional competencies needed to design offshore systems, recognising thespecific interrelation between these two aspects.
Thetraining of the professional profiles addressed by this second-cycle degreeprogramme is supplemented by laboratory work, independent design activitiesand/or by industrial internships and completed by the development andmaturation of autonomy, communication and independent learning skills.
Theabove advanced goals are achieved by following a broad curriculum in whichacquires familiarity with the specialist methodologies employed in offshoreengineering for the design and development of structures and installations, inthe context of environmental protection, safety and sustainability. The curriculum devised prepares the graduateproperly, taking a systemic view of the spectrum of competencies indicatedabove, in order to guarantee the ability to respond to various specialist needslinked to the advanced analysis and sustainable design of offshore processesand installations, assessment of the environmental impact and safety aspects,and the structural design of offshore and coastal civil and industrial works.
Theflexibility of the curriculum is guaranteed, in the first place, by thepresence of three different curricula that, in the context of the five areas oflearning highlighted, enable additional knowledge and specific competencies tobe acquired with regard to three different aspects, consistent with theprofessional profiles trained: the sustainable design of offshore processes andinstallations; management of the environmental and safety aspects of the designand operation of offshore works; and the sustainable design of offshoreinfrastructure and structures for the enhancement of biotic and abioticresources.
Thedegree programme also envisages the possibility, especially during the firstyear, of following customised curricula in order to harmonise the entrycompetencies, partly by taking specific, optional course units made availableto students, having regard for their different backgrounds stemming from theirthree-year, first-cycle degree programmes.