Professional profiles
professional profile
Function in a professional context:
This professional figureworks in sustainable development, in the design and operational management ofprocesses, plants and systems in the reference sectors including the offshoreoil and gas and chemical industries.
The Offshore Engineer mayalso work in industrial research and development, particularly in relation tothe design and implementation of new processes and technologies for theenhancement of marine resources.
The sectors concernedinclude Oil Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering.
- is expert in theselection and development of technologies and sustainable processes for theleveraging of offshore energy resources;
- is expert in the marineenvironments and knows how to assess the environmental aspects of projects inrelation to their offshore structures, installations and infrastructure;
- designs offshoreprocesses and installations to enhance both energy, conventional and renewableresources, having regard for their safety, environmental compatibility and sustainability;
- supervises the operationand management of offshore industrial installations to enhance energyresources, having regard for the assessment of their operational safety;
- carries out risk analysesfor offshore processes and installations.
The opportunities forprofessional growth, specialisation and the broadening of skills andprofessional responsibilities in specific sectors of the offshore industry,marked by a strong innovative component, may be expanded by further educationin the form of research doctorates or vocational master degrees.
Competencies associated to the function:
This professional figureuses skills relating to the:
-application of thetheoretical-scientific aspects of chemical, structural and environmentalengineering, and the interpretation and descriptions of offshore engineeringproblems;
-theidentification, formulation and resolution of complex problems and those thatrequire an interdisciplinary approach;
-thedesign and scaling of offshore installations and equipment, and integrationnwith the structural aspects;
-analysis of environmental, safety and sustainability issues relating to thedesign and operations of offshore processes and installations;
-industrialtechnologies, processes and production in the offshore sector, with particularreference to the enhancement and use of oil & gas and renewable energyresources;
-businessorganisation and the management of projects;
-theplanning, design and management, including the use of innovativetechniques, ofcomplex systems, processes and services;
-managementof the communications-relations and organization
-managementaspectsin working environments;
-self-learningand continuous professional education.
Employment opportunities:
Offshore engineer employedby public administrations and bodies:
Engineeroffshore employed by public administration sand bodies:
-TechnicalOffices of Local bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions);
-TechnicalOffices of National bodies (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of theEnvironment);
-bodiesresponsible for managing and controlling the risks associated with civil works(Civil Protection, Fire Brigade etc.);
Engineer employed byenterprises or firms:
- energy companies;
- operators and EPCs workingin the offshore oil, gas and wind industry;
- consulting firms andservices for operators and EPCs working in the offshore oil, gas and windindustry;
- companies specialised inthe analysis of environmental safety and protection;
- companies manufacturingmarine infrastructures, structures and plants.
- companies that controland monitor the territory
Freelance engineer, afterpassing the state exam according to current legislation.
Function in a professional context:
This professional figureworks in the design, development and management of sustainable offshore worksand systems and those compatible with the environmental context, functional tothe offshore oil and gas and wind sectors.
This Offshore Engineer mayalso work in industrial research and development, particularly in relation tothe assessment of sustainability and safety aspects, in the context of thedevelopment of new processes and technologies for the enhancement of conventionaland renewable marine resources.
The sectors concernedinclude Environmental and Structural Engineering, as well as ChemicalEngineering.
- is expert in the analysisand development of systems and technologies for the leveraging of offshoreenergy resources;
- is expert in the marineenvironments and knows how to assess the environmental aspects of projects inrelation to their offshore structures, works and infrastructure;
- designs, implements andmanages engineering solutions for the installation and maintenance of systemsand structures for the leveraging of offshore resources in a sustainablemanner;
- assesses the safety andsustainability aspects relating to the design and installation of offshorestructures, systems and installations;
- designs offshorestructures to support the production of energy from conventional and renewablesources;
- designs and manages thesafety works of port construction sites or offshore platforms;
- understands theimplications of the most recent criteria for site worker safety, and preparesthe necessary documentation on work site safety and the safeguarding of healthin the surrounding environment.
Theopportunities for professional growth, specialisation and the broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific sectors of the offshoreindustry, marked by a strong innovative component, may be expanded by furthereducation in the form of research doctorates or vocational master degrees.
Competencies associated to the function:
This professional figureuses skills relating to the:
-application of thetheoretical-scientific aspects of chemical, structural and environmentalengineering to the interpretation and description of offshore engineeringproblems;
-the identification,formulation and resolution of complex problems and those that require aninterdisciplinary approach;
- knowledge of thestructural and geotechnical characteristics and selection criteria in thedesign of offshore works, and integration with the plant engineering aspects;
- structural design ofoffshore works, having regard for sustainability;
-sourcingand analysis of data for the management of marine works;
-managementand maintenance of offshore and coastal structures;
- technologies for leveragingthe main primary conventional and renewable energy sources energy sources;
- the planning, design andmanagement, including the use of innovative techniques, of complex systems,processes and services;
- management of thecommunications-relations and organisation-management aspects in workingenvironments;
- self-learning andcontinuous professional education.
- the health and safety ofworkers employed in offshore and coastal structures, infrastructure andinstallations;
-managementof the communications-relations and organisation-management aspectsin workingenvironments;
-self-learningand continuous professional education.
Employment opportunities:
Offshore engineer employedby public administrations and bodies:
Engineeroffshore employed by public administration sand bodies:
-TechnicalOffices of Local bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions);
-TechnicalOffices of National bodies (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of theEnvironment);
-bodiesresponsible for managing and controlling the risks associated with civil works(Civil Protection, Fire Brigade etc.);
Engineer employed byenterprises or firms:
- energy companies;
- operators and EPCsworking in the offshore oil, gas and wind industry;
- consulting firms andservices for operators and EPCs working in the offshore oil, gas and windindustry;
- companies specialised inthe analysis of environmental safety and protection;
- companies manufacturingmarine infrastructures, structures and plants.
- companies that controland monitor the territory
Freelance engineer, afterpassing the state exam according to current legislation.
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.