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9249 - Offshore Engineering

Professional profiles

professional profile

Offshore Engineer, expert in the design ofprocesses and installations

role in a work context:

The Offshore Engineer, expert in the designof processes and installations, is a professional who works in sustainabledevelopment and the design and operational management of offshore or coastalprocesses, installations, systems or services within the principal industrialsectors: energy, oil and biotechnology.

TheOffshore Engineer may also work in industrial research and development,particularly in relation to the development of new processes and technologiesfor the enhancement of biotic and abiotic marine resources.

Thesectors concerned include Oil Engineering, Chemical Engineering andEnvironmental and Energy Engineering.

Specifically, the Offshore Engineer:

- is expert in the selection anddevelopment of technologies and sustainable processes for the leveraging ofoffshore energy resources;

- is expert in the coastal and marineenvironments and knows how to assess the environmental aspects of projects inrelation to their offshore structures, installations and infrastructure;

- designs offshore processes andinstallations to enhance both the biotic and abiotic resources, having regardfor their safety, environmental compatibility and sustainability;

-supervises the operation and management of offshore industrial installations toenhance both the biotic and abiotic resources, having regard for the assessmentof their operational safety;

-carries out risk analyses for offshore processes and installations.

Theopportunities for professional growth, specialisation and the broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific sectors of the offshoreindustry, marked by a strong innovative component, may be expanded by furthereducation in the form of research doctorates or vocational master degrees.

competencies associated with the role:

In the performance of this role, theOffshore Engineer, expert in the design of processes and installations, isrequired to apply competencies involving:

-application of the theoretical-scientific aspects of mathematics, fluiddynamics and key sciences to the interpretation and solution of offshoreengineering problems;

-the identification, formulation and resolution of complex problems and thosethat require an interdisciplinary approach;

-the design and scaling of offshore installations and equipment, and integrationwith the structural aspects;

- analysis of environmental, safety andsustainability issues relating to the design and operations of offshoreprocesses and installations;

-industrial technologies, processes and production in the offshore sector, withparticular reference to the enhancement and use of oil&gas and renewableenergy resources;

-business organisation and the management of projects;

-the planning, design and management, including the use of innovativetechniques, of complex systems, processes and services;

-management of the communications-relations and organisation-management aspectsin working environments;

-self-learning and continuous professional education.

career opportunities:

Engineer employed by public administrationsand bodies:

-Technical Offices of Local bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions);

-Technical Offices of National bodies (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry ofthe Environment);

-bodies responsible for managing and controlling the risks associated with civilworks (Civil Protection, Fire Brigade etc.);

- port authorities.

Engineer employed by enterprises or firms:

-energy companies;

-oil&gas sector companies;

-petroleum companies;

- engineering companies;

-companies that control and monitor the territory;

-companies specialised in the analysis of environmental safety and protection;

-companies dedicated to the design and construction of marine installations,structures and infrastructure.

Freelance professional engineer: after passingthe State exam, in accordance with current legislation, the Offshore Engineer,may register with the professional association and work on a freelance basis.In that case, the freelance engineer may sign contracts for civil works,including those that are highly complex, both individually and as part of adesign team.

Offshore Engineer, expert in theEnvironment and Safety

role in a work context:

The Offshore Engineer, expert in the Environmentand Safety, is a professional active in managing the environmental, safety andsustainability aspects of designing and operating offshore and coastal civiland industrial works and in managing marine and coastal areas.

ThisOffshore Engineer may also work in industrial research and development,particularly in relation to assessment of the sustainability, environmentalimpact and safety aspects, in the context of the development of new processesand technologies for the enhancement of biotic and abiotic marine resources.

Thesectors concerned include Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, as well asPetroleum and Chemical Engineering. Specifically, this Offshore Engineer:

- is expert in the analysis and developmentof sustainable technologies for the leveraging of offshore energy resources;

- is expert in the coastal and marineenvironments and knows how to assess the environmental aspects of projects inrelation to their offshore structures, works and infrastructure;

- assesses the environmental, safety andsustainability aspects relating to the design and installation of offshorestructures, systems and installations;

-manages the environmental impact and safety aspects relating to the operationof offshore structures, systems and installations;

-designs and manages the safety works of port construction sites or offshoreplatforms;

-designs coastal defence, port and offshore works, and knows how to assess theirimpact on the surrounding environment.

Theopportunities for professional growth, specialisation and the broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific sectors of the offshoreindustry, marked by a strong innovative component, may be expanded by furthereducation in the form of research doctorates or vocational master degrees.

competencies associated with the role:

In the performance of this role, theOffshore Engineer, expert in Environment and Safety, is required to applycompetencies involving:

-application of the theoretical-scientific aspects of mathematics, fluiddynamics and key sciences to the interpretation and solution of offshoreengineering problems;

-the identification, formulation and resolution of complex problems and thosethat require an interdisciplinary approach;

-the health and safety of workers employed in offshore and coastal structures,infrastructure and installations;

- assessment of the environmental impactand compatibility of offshore, coastal and port structures, infrastructure andinstallations;

-the design and management of coastal defence works, and assessment of theirimpact on the surrounding environment;

- management of offshore, coastal and portareas and works, with particular reference to the environmental compatibilityand sustainability aspects;

-criteria for the selection and design of positioning systems for theconstruction of offshore infrastructure;

- technologies for the production andtransportation of the principal primary offshore energy sources, withparticular reference to the environmental impact and sustainability aspects;

-the planning, design and management, including the use of innovativetechniques, of complex systems, processes and services;

-management of the communications-relations and organisation-management aspectsin working environments;

-self-learning and continuous professional education.

career opportunities:

Engineer employed by public administrationsand bodies:

-Technical Offices of Local bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions);

-Technical Offices of National bodies (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry ofthe Environment);

-Bodies responsible for managing and controlling the risks associated with civilworks (Civil Protection, Fire Brigade etc.);

- Port authorities.

Engineer employed by enterprises or firms:

-energy companies;

-oil & gas sector companies;

-petroleum companies;

- engineering companies;

-companies that control and monitor the territory;

-companies specialised in environmental protection;

-design of marinas and ports;

-companies dedicated to the design and construction of systems, structures andinfrastructure for coastal protection and the protection of marineinfrastructure.

Freelance professional engineer: after passingthe State exam, in accordance with current legislation, the Offshore Engineer,may register with the professional association and work on a freelance basis.In that case, the freelance engineer may sign contracts for civil works,including those that are highly complex, both individually and as part of adesign team.

Offshore Engineer, expert in the design ofstructures and infrastructure

role in a work context:

The Offshore Engineer, expert in the designof structures and infrastructure, is a professional who designs and managessustainable offshore systems and works that are compatible with the surroundingenvironment, within the principal industrial sectors: energy, oil, ports andthe management of coastal areas.

ThisOffshore Engineer may also work in industrial research and development, particularlyin relation to the assessment of design or installation innovations, in thecontext of the development of new processes and technologies for theenhancement of biotic and abiotic marine resources.

Thesectors concerned include Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, as well asPetroleum and Chemical Engineering. Specifically:

- is expert in the analysis and developmentof systems and technologies for the leveraging of offshore energy resources;

- is expert in the coastal and marineenvironments and knows how to assess the environmental aspects of projects inrelation to their offshore structures, works and infrastructure;

-designs, implements and manages engineering solutions for the installation andmaintenance of systems and structures for the leveraging of offshore resourcesin a sustainable manner;

- designs offshore structures with a viewto sustainable energy production and lifting, having regard for the relatedenvironmental implications;

- understands the implications of the mostrecent criteria for site worker safety, and prepares the necessarydocumentation on work site safety and the safeguarding of health in thesurrounding environment.

Theopportunities for professional growth, specialisation and the broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific sectors of the offshoreindustry, marked by a strong innovative component, may be expanded by furthereducation in the form of research doctorates or vocational master degrees.

competencies associated with the role:

In the performance of this role, theOffshore Engineer, expert in the design of offshore structures andinfrastructure, is required to apply competencies involving:

-application of the theoretical-scientific aspects of mathematics, fluiddynamics and key sciences to the interpretation and description of offshoreengineering problems;

-the identification, formulation and resolution of complex problems and thosethat require an interdisciplinary approach;

- structuralcharacteristics and selection criteria in the design of offshore and coastalworks, and integration with the plant engineering aspects;

-design of foundations for offshore and coastal structures;

- structural design of offshore, coastaland port works, having regard for sustainability;

-sourcing and analysis of data for the management of marine works;

-management and maintenance of offshore and coastal structures;

-technologies for leveraging the principal primary offshore energy sources;

-the planning, design and management, including the use of innovativetechniques, of complex systems, processes and services;

-management of the communications-relations and organisation-management aspectsin working environments;

-self-learning and continuous professional education.

career opportunities:

Engineer employed by public administrationsand bodies:

-Technical Offices of Local bodies (Municipalities, Provinces, Regions);

-Technical Offices of National bodies (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry ofthe Environment);

-Bodies responsible for managing and controlling the risks associated with civilworks (Civil Protection, Fire Brigade etc.);

- port authorities.

Engineer employed by enterprises or firms:

-construction companies;

-energy companies;

-oil&gas sector companies;

-petroleum companies;

- engineering companies;

-companies that control and monitor the territory;

-companies dedicated to the design and construction of offshore and marinesystems, structures and infrastructure.

Freelance professional engineer: after passingthe State exam, in accordance with current legislation, the Offshore Engineer,may register with the professional association and work on a freelance basis.In that case, the freelance engineer may sign contracts for civil works,including those that are highly complex, both individually and as part of adesign team.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.