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Physics PhD Open House by the University of California, Davis

On Saturday, 02.12. from 19:00-21:00 (10am-12pm PST), you will meet current UC Davis graduate students from all over the world and talk to them and their professors about research opportunities.

Published on 01 December 2023

Have you ever considered studying in the United States to obtain your Physics PhD degree? If so, the virtual "open house" event that is hosted by the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of California Davis might be interesting to you.

At the open house this Saturday, 02.12. from 19:00-21:00 (10am-12pm PST), you will meet current UC Davis graduate students from all over the world and talk to them and their professors about research opportunities. Furthermore, there will be an application workshop with members of the admissions committee that will provide helpful guidance on what they are looking for in prospective students' applications.

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Schedule and additional information   []

As an international student myself I struggled greatly to find answers to the endless questions I had when I decided to study in the US. Some things that took me a while to find out were:
- You do not need a Masters degree to be accepted into the PhD program. (You will be able to obtain the Master's degree along the way) However, if you have a Master's degree already, you can waive a lot of the mandatory classes every incoming PhD student has to take.

- Upon being accepted to the PhD program, it is normal for the department to fund you for at least the following 5 years. That means you will get paid (currently about 3.000$/month) either for doing research or for teaching.
- You will get free health and dental insurance and you won't have to pay tuition.

These are only some facts that my peers and I will address during the open house on Saturday. 

Aside from this we will answer any questions you may have regarding research. At UC Davis we have vibrant programs in condensed matter physics, high energy physics, string theory, cosmology, nuclear physics, complexity, and atomic/molecular/optics. Graduate students can also work in interdisciplinary research on planet formation, photonics, quantum devices, and quantum computing. Our PhD graduates go on to prestigious postdoctoral positions and excellent industry placements.


The Department and UC Davis as a whole value diversity and inclusion among students and faculty. Experiencing a variety of perspectives and interacting with colleagues from different backgrounds is rewarding for the entire community and enhances our research and teaching missions.


For information on applying to UC Davis, including a program to waive

application fees, click here.   []

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Lotte Borkowski, M.Sc.

Department of Physics and Astronomy

University of California, Davis