An advanced approach to particle physics to explore new frontiers in research and technological innovation.
News, events, and notices for your studies
On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.
Registrations are open until April 6th and are limited to about 80 to 90 participants.
From information literacy to public engagement, from neuroscience to ecological transition, from communication to intellectual property, up to employability skills: enrol by 25 March.
Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi, Ho una laurea
Deadline: 19 mar 2025, 13:00
Who it's for: Studio dal secondo anno in poi
Deadline: 18 mar 2025, 15:00
Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Ho una laurea
Deadline: 30 mag 2025, 12:00
You might be unsure whether this is the right path for you. No one has all the answers: you’ll find yours by exploring new possibilities.