Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Philosophical Sciences

Philosophical Sciences

  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Open access with assessment of personal competencies
  • Degree Programme Class LM-78 - Philosophy
  • Degree Programme Director Francesco Cerrato
  • Degree type Double/Multiple degree
  • Department Philosophy - FILO
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programme in Philosophical Sciences provides advanced knowledge of the main historical-critical analytical methods applied to philosophical texts, with reference to fundamental concepts, forms of argument, special languages, as well as the theories and interpretative models used in general and sectoral areas of philosophy. For this purpose, the programme offers a guided choice of course units from the core subject areas indicated in the ministerial table: Theoretical Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Logics and Philosophy of Science, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics,… Read more

Admission requirements

Candidates for the 2nd cycle degree programme in Philosophical Sciences shall meet the curricular requirements and must pass a test to assess their personal competencies and skills. CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS Candidates must have a 1st cycle degree or other suitable qualification obtained abroad in one of the classes listed in the degree programme teaching regulations. They must also have obtained credits in the subject areas indicated in the admission requirements established for the programme in the degree programme teaching regulations. ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL COMPETENCES AND… Read more