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Master’s Degree in Physics: Programme Curricula

The Master Degree Programme in Physics offers five curricula (Theoretical Physics, Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, Materials Physics and Nanoscience, Applied Physics, Didattica e Storia della Fisica), enabling students to orient their choices with reference to the objectives and learning paths most in line with their own interests.


Degree awarded: second-cycle degree
Language: the curriculum is taught entirely in English
Location: Bologna
Attendance: classes not compulsory but for laboratories

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students who choose the curriculum in Theoretical Physics will: 

-       have a deep and up-to-date understanding of contemporary physics in all its theoretical and fundamental aspects;

-       know advanced mathematical and numerical tools for the description and modelling of physical systems;

-       master the scientific method and techniques for the resolution of problems. 

During the first year of the programme, students acquire a solid background in all areas of theoretical physics, with emphasis on quantum field theoretical techniques applied to particles and strings, general relativity and cosmology, quantum mechanics and statistical physics.   

During the second year of the programme, students develop cross cutting skills in project writing, innovation, scientific communication and outreach. 

At the end of the course, students have to write and defend orally an original research project, developed within a research group of the Department, possibly in collaboration with other public science agencies or private companies in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

The Master Degree entitles graduates to apply for advanced Master Courses as well as PhD Programmes in Italian and foreign universities.

Graduates can also find career opportunities in Research and Development Units of public science agencies and private companies. 

Course structure

For details click here.

Admission requirements

The admission and test requirements can be found by linking to the Enrolment web-page. 


Degree awarded: second-cycle degree
Language: the curriculum is taught entirely in English
Location: Bologna
Attendance: classes not compulsory but for laboratories

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students in the  Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics curriculum will: 

-       have a fundamental and conceptual knowledge in nuclear physics and elementary particle physics;

-       acquire advanced skills aimed at the deep understanding of phenomena related to the state-of-the-art experimental research fields;

-       be able to discuss the applications of nuclear and subnuclear physics in modern society.

During the first year of the programme, students acquire a solid knowledge in nuclear and subnuclear physics, with emphasis on experimental aspects. The programme is enriched by courses covering the basic principles of theoretical physics. 

Depending on the chosen ECTS, students develop advanced skills in R&D, electronics, computing or statistical techniques.

During the second year of the programme, student extend their knowledge thanks to specific courses on advanced topics. Abilities are extended to project writing, innovation, scientific communication and outreach. 

At the end of the course, students have to write and defend orally an original research project, developed within a research group of the Department, possibly in collaboration with other public science agencies or private companies in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

The Master Degree entitles graduates to apply for advanced Master Courses as well as PhD Programmes in Italian and foreign universities.

Graduates can also find career opportunities in Research and Development Units of public science agencies and private companies. 

Course structure

For details click here.

Admission requirements

The admission and test requirements can be found by linking to the Enrolment web-page. 


Degree awarded: second-cycle degree
Language: the curriculum is taught entirely in English
Location: Bologna
Attendance: classes not compulsory but for laboratories

Learning outcomes

  • have a deep and up-to-date understanding of condensed matter Physics in all its experimental and theoretical aspects;
  • manage advanced experimental and modelling tools for the analyses of advanced materials and nanostructures;
  • master the scientific method and techniques for the resolution of problems.

 During the first year of the programme, students acquire a solid background in all areas of condensed matter physics, with special emphasis on the properties of nanostructures.   

 During the second year of the programme, students develop cross cutting skills in project writing, innovation, scientific communication and outreach.

At the end of the course, students have to write and defend orally an original research project, developed within a research group of the Department, possibly in collaboration with other public science agencies or private companies in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

The Program of the MANO curriculum is designed for students seeking a career with an international dimension in different fields: scientific research, advanced technology, new materials and devices. The MANO Course will also prepare for further studies at PhD level and academic or professional careers in leading Universities or other research- oriented organization in public and private sectors. The graduate students of the MANO curriculum could have access to both the PhD Course in Physics and to the one on Nanoscience for ​Medicine and ​Environment recently activated at the Bologna University.

Nowadays, research in nanoscience requires qualified experts with cross-disciplinary expertise, able to manage, generate and contribute to the development of innovative materials and devices able to respond to many societal challenges, such as the development of low carbon economy, secure and sustainable environmental protection, the development of low cost and low power consumption sensors and electronics. These challenges can benefit from experts in the field of materials physics and nanoscience.

Course structure

For details click here.

Admission requirements

The admission and test requirements can be found by linking to the Enrolment web-page. 


Degree awarded: second-cycle degree
Language: the curriculum is taught entirely in English
Location: Bologna
Attendance: classes not compulsory but for laboratories

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students in the Applied Physics curriculum will: 

-       know advanced mathematical and numerical tools for the description and the modelling of physical systems;

-       master the scientific method and techniques for the resolution of problems

-       gain the ability to model complex systems in different fields;

-       gain the ability to use and design advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques.

During the first year of the programme, students acquire a solid knowledge in topics of interest of Applied Physics, particularly with emphasis on experimental aspects. 

The absence of compulsory course allows students to plan their tailor-made curriculum. Depending on the chosen ECTS, students develop advanced skills in Medical Physics, Biophysics, Complex Systems, Computing or Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis.

During the second year of the programme, students develop cross cutting skills in project writing, innovation, scientific communication and outreach.

At the end of the course, students have to write and defend orally an original research project, developed within a research group of the Department, possibly in collaboration with other public science agencies or private companies in Italy or abroad.

Career opportunities

The Master Degree entitles graduates to apply for advanced Master Courses as well as PhD Programmes in Italian and foreign universities.

Graduates can also find career opportunities in Research and Development Units of public science agencies and private companies. 

Course structure

For details click here.

Admission requirements

The admission and test requirements can be found by linking to the Enrolment web-page. 


Degree awarded: second-cycle degree
Language: the curriculum is mainly taught in Italian, optional classes in English
Location: Bologna
Attendance: classes not compulsory but for laboratories

Obiettivi di apprendimento

Alla fine del corso studentesse e studenti avranno:

- una conoscenza ampia dei temi e dei metodi di fisica avanzata;

- una conoscenza approfondita e aggiornata dei temi e dei metodi della ricerca in didattica e storia della fisica;

- acquisito elementi di filosofia della fisica e strumenti di analisi critica dei fondamenti della fisica; 

- acquisito competenze interdisciplinari e trasversali per indagare le implicazioni culturali, sociali e politiche della fisica. 

Durante il primo anno, gli/le studenti/studentesse acquisiscono una base solida di conoscenze e competenze (teoriche e sperimentali) in didattica, storia e filosofia della fisica. Ampliano inoltre la loro conoscenza su aree di fisica avanzata (fisica applicata, teorica, nucleare e sub-nucleare, fisica della materia, astrofisica e fisica del sistema terra) e, per chi lo desidera, su aree scientifiche affini (matematica, biologia, chimica, geologia, informatica).

Durante il secondo anno, gli/le studenti/studentesse sviluppano competenze trasversali quali la scrittura di progetti di ricerca, comunicazione scientifica e outreach

Al termine del corso, gli studenti sono tenuti a scrivere e difendere oralmente un progetto di ricerca originale, sviluppato all'interno di un gruppo di ricerca del Dipartimento, possibilmente in collaborazione con altri enti pubblici o privati (scuole, musei, centri di ricerca) in Italia o all'estero.

Opportunità professionali

Il curriculum in Didattica e Storia della Fisica è progettato per studentesse e studenti che desiderano intraprendere un percorso verso l’insegnamento nella scuola secondaria oppure operare in contesti di impatto culturale e sociale della fisica, dai musei scientifici ai centri di comunicazione e divulgazione della scienza. Il curriculum prepara inoltre alla ricerca in Didattica e Storia della fisica e, quindi, per eventuali percorsi di Dottorato in Italia o all’estero. 

Oggi, le grandi sfide sociali richiedono figure professionali nuove che abbiano, oltre a conoscenze e abilità disciplinari solide, competenze interdisciplinari che permettano di affrontare problemi sempre più complessi e di mediare tra ricerca di base e attori politici e sociali. Queste sfide potranno beneficiare di laureati in percorsi che concilino l’approfondimento disciplinare con una riflessione critica e ampia sui contenuti.

Struttura del corso

Per dettagli cliccare qui.

Requisiti di accesso/Admission requirements 

The admission and test requirements can be found by linking to the Enrolment web-page.