As laid down in D.M. of 08/01/2009, thisprogramme produces second cycle graduates with advanced training able to holdmanagerial positions in various health professions included in the class(Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques and Health Care).
The programme includes frontal learningactivities in the classroom, internships in healthcare facilities where thestudents work alongside Preventive Health Care Specialists during the variousprofessional activities and the production of a dissertation on a specific areaof study concerning the specific professional profile.
The specific learning outcomes of theprogramme are:
- the acquisition of advanced professionalcompetences in their field;
- the acquisition of the competencesrequired for planning and monitoring of the specific activities;
- the acquisition of the competencesrequired to manage healthcare professionals in this field.
Students will acquire competences in thefollowing areas:
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics (elementsof these subjects applicable to the problems linked to pollution of living andworking environments);
- Botany and Agriculture (elementsconcerning important crops linked to problems affecting food hygiene andpollution of living environments);
- Veterinary Medicine (elements concerninganimal species linked to problems affecting food hygiene and pollution ofliving environments);
- Law (elements of public, criminal andlabour law);
- Psychology (elements of general, labour,educational and pedagogic psychology);
- Public Health (health organisation andeconomics for public health);
- Risk assessment (techniques oftoxicological, carcinogenic and major-accident risk assessment);
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine(aspects of population health related to pollution of living and workingenvironments and epidemiology);
- English language;
- Computing.
This second cycle degree programme inPreventive Health Care Sciences has restricted access set at national level(pursuant to art. 1 of Italian Law 264/99) and is governed by ministerialdecree.
The number of allocated places, the methodsof the exam, score allocation and assessment of academic and professionalqualifications, as well as any admission conditions set for additional places, areestablished annually by Ministerial Decree and published yearly in the call foradmission.
To profitably attend the Second CycleDegree Programme in Preventive Health Care Sciences, candidates must alsodemonstrate the knowledge and skills laid down annually in the ministerialdecree concerning the methods and contents of admission tests for nationallyprogrammed restricted access degree programmes, as published in the call foradmission.
Candidates must also have a command of theEnglish language to level B1.
The following curricular requirements mustbe met:
- A five-year secondary school diploma orequivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad (or a four-year secondaryschool diploma and diploma for the relative supplementary year, or, where nolonger active, admitted students will be assigned additional learningrequirements)
and one of the following qualifications:
- A degree in class SNT/4;
- A degree in the corresponding classlisted in D.M. 509/99;
- A university diploma qualifying for oneof the healthcare professions covered by 2nd cycle degree classLM-SNT/4;
- Any other qualification valid for theexercise of one of the professions covered by 2nd cycle degree classLM/SNT/4, as laid down in Italian Law no. 42/1999.
- Another suitable qualification obtainedabroad.
The Board appointed annually by the SchoolBoard will assess the suitability of foreign qualifications compared to theItalian qualifications required for admission to the entrance exam, based onthe assessment of the exams passed abroad, the list of which must be annexed tothe pre-registration application submitted by the student.
The assessment of personal competences andskills is an integral part of the entrance exam, and shall be deemed to bepassed by candidates achieving at least the minimum score laid down annually bythe Degree Programme Board and indicated in the call for admission.
Special cases are governed by theprovisions of the call for admission.
Admission to the degree programme issubject to the assessment of knowledge and skills in the English language, tolevel B1.
Students holding a corresponding languagecertification may be exempted from sitting this exam.
Students who do not demonstrate languageskills to level B1 may be required to recover their initial deficit, and willthen be required to pass the exam to level B1 during year II.