Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Health Professions of Prevention Sciences

Health Professions of Prevention Sciences

Programme aims

Presentation As laid down in D.M. of 08/01/2009, thisprogramme produces second cycle graduates with advanced training able to holdmanagerial positions in various health professions included in the class(Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques and Health Care). The programme includes frontal learningactivities in the classroom, internships in healthcare facilities where thestudents work alongside Preventive Health Care Specialists during the variousprofessional activities and the production of a dissertation on a specific areaof study concerning the specific professional profile.… Read more

Admission requirements

Requirements RESTRICTED ACCESS This second cycle degree programme inPreventive Health Care Sciences has restricted access set at national level(pursuant to art. 1 of Italian Law 264/99) and is governed by ministerialdecree. The number of allocated places, the methodsof the exam, score allocation and assessment of academic and professionalqualifications, as well as any admission conditions set for additional places, areestablished annually by Ministerial Decree and published yearly in the call foradmission. KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED To profitably attend the Second CycleDegree Programme… Read more