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Open Day of Psychology of Wellbeing and Social Inclusivity Master Course

Director of the Course, Programme Coordinator, Professors and ex-students will provide information and experiences.

10 May 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00

Department of Psychology, Room 2 Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna and Microsoft Teams - In presence and online event

Director of the Course Prof. Monica Rubini, Programme Coordinator Dr. Alice Vitali, Professors Chiara Suttora and Michela Candini, ex-students Denise Ruggieri and Burak Çayir will provide information and experiences.

If you cannot take part in the meeting in person, you can attend online.

Department of Psychology, Room 2 Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna (II floor)

Aula 2

Via Berti Pichat 5, Bologna