Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Psychology of wellbeing and social inclusivity


Professional profiles

professional profile

Psychologist with expertise in well-beingand social inclusion

Function in a professional context:

• Professionals in this role developprojects to prevent and tackle critical issues that interfere with thewell-being of individuals and society, taking into particular account themultiplicity of groups that characterise our current multicultural society.

• They analyse developmental risk andprotection factors using observational and evaluative tools and tackle issuesrelated to typical and atypical development from infancy to adolescence ineducational and clinical contexts.

• They analyse the impact of the use ofdigital technologies on psychological development.

• They address issues rooted in adolescencewith regard to the acquisition of personal and societal identity and thefunctions or dysfunctions of this process. They understand the mechanisms ofneural plasticity, psychological flexibility, and social and affectivecognitive development.

• They seek to identify and understand,including through the use of clinical evaluation tools, the effects of chronicdiseases due to maladaptive and risky lifestyles, increased lifespans andsocial and environmental factors.

• They promote the integration of peoplefrom majority and minority groups existing in today's multicultural society.

• They address socio-cognitive dysfunctionsarising due to social prejudice and seek to implement strategies aimed atreducing ethnocentrism, fanaticism, and marginalisation by promoting intergroupcontact.

• In conjunction with pedagogues, teachers,speech therapists, child psychiatrists, paediatricians, anthropologists andsociologists, they deal with typical and atypical child development in order topromote communicative-linguistic, cognitive and socio-relational development inconditions of biological and social vulnerability.

• They participate in and coordinate teamsworking to tackle psychological problems related to lifestyles that can harmmental and physical health, also in non-clinical populations, and to chronicand degenerative diseases related to increased lifespans.

• They participate in, coordinate andcollaborate with working groups, the goal of which is the social inclusion ofminority groups.

Competencies associated to the function:

• Ability to coordinate working groups.

• Ability to diagnose the criticalitiesrelated to individual and group well-being, to use technology and to sociallyinclude minority groups in educational and clinical contexts.

• Ability to design interdisciplinaryresearch projects to study well-being and social inclusion issues.

• Ability to plan integrated projectsinvolving the intervention of various professional figures to promote socialinclusion in educational contexts and the social integration of migrants andother minority groups.

• Ability to devise measures involvingqualified teams with a view to promoting communicative-linguistic, cognitiveand socio-relational development in educational contexts and to addresscriticalities related to biological and social vulnerability in early infancyand adolescence.

• Ability to devise measures to beimplemented in conjunction with other professional figures to evaluate andpromote well-being and quality of life with regard to chronic diseases linkedto increased lifespans.

employment opportunities:

- Self-employed after registration with theProfessional Association

- National public and private institutions:healthcare companies, educational and training institutions

- International Bodies and Organisations

As a psychologist, they may also holdmanagement positions within public bodies responsible for the promotion ofwell-being and social inclusion such as national public institutions, such ashealth care companies, educational and training institutions, or internationalresearch bodies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) or the UnitedNations.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca e Scuola di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.