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Buddy Programme 2021/22

Do other countries and cultures fascinate you? Would you like to make international friends? We invite you to take part in the Buddy Programme for exchange students arriving in Bologna next semester!

Published on 22 November 2021

Do other countries and cultures fascinate you? Would you like to make international friendships? We invite you to take part in the Buddy Programme, a project dedicated to promote the meeting between local and international students, in other words those who study in Bologna and those who have chosen Bologna for their exchange period.

We will put you in contact with one or more Erasmus+ or Overseas students arriving in Bologna for the second semester of a.y. 2021/22 to study Economics, Management or Statistics.

The programme works easily and it is meant to offer peer-to-peer support to international students dealing with the challenges that an exchange period in country different from their own may entail. For instance, getting through the Italian red tape, or finding their way around the culture of Bologna and Italy in general! To sum up, supporting them in case of need.
We are not looking for something too technical – any academic or specifically administrative issue should be addressed to the University competent offices – rather to become a sort of experienced friend helping them to get acquainted with the UNIBO world and Bologna in general.
You will receive the support and supervision of the International Relations Office ( – however, you will be able to organize yourself independently.

What’s more, you’ll have the chance to get to know new cultures, to practice one or more foreign languages, and to discover something new about Bologna with them!

If you are interested, fill in this form by December 20, 2021. We’ll stay in touch throughout the semester and we will also suggest you some initiatives and activities you can do together.

Your participation to this programme will be really appreciated!

International Relations Office
Economics & Management | Statistics