Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Quantitative Finance

Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and submit your study plan.

What is a study plan?

The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.

A study plan can be submitted only by enrolled students who have paid their tuition fees and, in the case of international students, who hold a valid residence permit.

Every year, QF students are asked to pick some elective courses from the learning offer, so that you can build your study plan. 

How and When

Students can complete the Study Plan for the a.y. 2024 - 25 in the following two periods: 

1st period:  from 30th September to 20th October 2024

- 2nd December  - 12th December 2024 (ONLY for enrolling students or students transferring from another university)

2nd period:
from 14th January to 21st February 2025

The study plan can be submitted via Studenti On-Line ("Study Plan"), accessing the website using their University usernames and passwords.

Please note that: 
- if a graduating student (enrolled in the a.y. 2023/2024 at his/her second year) changes the Study Plan in the a.y. 2024/25, he/she will NOT be allowed to graduate in December 2024 or March 2025;

- it is NOT allowed to take exams of elective courses before the academic year in which these activities are planned in your course plan;

- it is NOT possible to fill in the study plan outside the above mentioned periods.

The study plan has to be structured as follows:

1)      Compulsory activities

2)      Choices (12 CFU): two activities have to be chosen among the list number 2 available here.

3)      Internship/ Workshop (6 CFU): one activity has to be chosen between the following:

-          75385 Internship, 150 hours (6 CFU)*

-          Workshop in Quantitative Finance (6 CFU)

4)      Electives (12 CFU): Credits to be chosen from list number 4 and/or list number 2.

Find here more information about the Course Structure Diagram and on the composition of the study plan.

* Students can anticipate the following choices to the first year:
-          75383 Workshop in Quantitative Finance
-          75385 Internship (6 CFU).
They can also add, among the electives, the 82522 Internship  (12 CFU) to their study plan in the first year. By doing so, students are allowed to start their internship during the summer. However, anticipating these choices is not compulsory nor required.

Students can choose both 75385 internship (6 CFU) and 82522 internship (12 CFU). They can sum them together in order to lenghten the internship period within the same company, or they can activate two different internships.

Please, note that even though you work for longer, according to the law a maximum of 12 CFU from external, non-curricular activities can be recognised as part of a degree course. You can register 18 credits only activating the curricular internship within the University framework (following the procedure, with the registration on line of the company and the validation of the program).

Students have to fulfill the requirements for the minimum number of credits.

The maximum amount of extra credits that students can insert in their study plan is 24. These are credits that are added to the minimum required by the university. If obtained, they will be included in the weighted average calculated for the graduation mark.

Exams in list number 2 can also be chosen and included within the electives of list number  4. In order to do so, students have to access to the webpage of their  study plan  and click on “insegnamento a scelta su CORSO 8854 QF” and use the search engine to find the course code they are interested in.

However, if  students add more than the minimum number of credits in list number 2, and they want them to be counted in list 4, there is no need to shift exams from one list to another. If applicable, Student Office will do it afterwards.

In case students do not pass extra credits’ exams, there is no need to remove them from the study plan. If they are not necessary to fulfill the requirements of each list, Student Office will delete them afterwards.

Therefore,  if students are not sure whether to do an internship, they can add it to their study plan even if they are going in extra credits. By doing so, they will not risk to be unable to activate the internship.

The QF tutor for internships is Prof. Silvia Romagnoli

All useful information on how to activate the internship are available at the following link

If students already have any work or internship experience that is relevant with QF subjects and goals, they may apply for its recognition as a curricular internship. Please note that even though students work for longer, according to the law, a maximum of 12 CFU from external, non-curricular activities can be recognized as part of a degree course  (please find more information here).

Final dissertation abroad

All the activities concerning the preparation of the final thesis abroad can be inserted in the study plan. These credits can be registered dividing the credits related to the final thesis in two parts. There are 18 credits for the final thesis. In case you prepare the final thesis abroad 12 CFU will be assigned to the activities for the preparation of the thesis, while the other 6 CFU to final dissertation. Therefore, if you decide to prepare your thesis abroad through the specific call or in Erasmus, please contact the International office. (; mail:; sportello telefonico: 051.2098869).