Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Religions Histories Cultures

Religions Histories Cultures

Programme aims

The degree programme sets out to develop specialist and highly interdisciplinary profiles in the research, mediation and popularisation of inter-religious and multicultural phenomena, based on texts and sources from the main religious traditions and multicultural and inter-religious contexts. Graduates will be able to interpret current religious phenomena through the analysis of the methodologies, history, hermeneutics and cultural and symbolic representations of some of the great religious traditions. Graduates will use historical investigation tools to understand historical and religious… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the second cycle degree/two year master in Religions Histories Cultures requires possession of a bachelor's degree or three-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable.Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass the assessment of personal knowledge and skills.Curricular requirementsA first-cycle degree in the following classes:• pursuant to Italian Min. Decree 270:L-5; L-42• pursuant to Italian Min. Decree 509/99:29, 38● Previous four-year degree programme system:Philosophy, History.ora degree belonging to a… Read more