The Erasmus+ Programme offers you the chance to spend from three to twelve months of your university career studying in another European country. As an Erasmus+ student, you can attend courses, sit exams and earn credits for your studies.
You can find a list of all available places on your ALMARM including the application procedure.
Besides the Erasmus exchanges offered, RESD undersigned agreements with the following Universities:
University of Wageningen / Netherlands
University of Southern Denmark in Odense / Denmark
TUM (Technische Universitat Munchen) / Germany
UEA (University of East Anglia, Norwich / UK
Christian-Albrechts Universität ZU Kiel/ Germany
Kaunuas University of Technology/ Lithuania
SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ Sweden
University of Vilnius/ Lithuania
Incoming and Outgoing students:
Read carefully the doc in attachment ( How to submit the learning agreement)
"In 2018 I spent five months in Lithuania studying at the Kaunas University of Technology.It was a great experience because I discovered a different culture and traveled a lot. However, Lithuania is a beautiful country: the Ninth Forth Museum in Kaunas was the place impressed me the most but my favourite spot in Lithuania was the Hill of Crosses."
Edoardo Guttadauria, RESD 2017/2018
"Studying as an exchange student at Wageningen University has been an incredibly mind-opening experience. State-of-the-art environmental technologies and immersions in rural country life are blended in a stimulating, international context that will definitely leave a mark in your academic path."
Alessandro Venti, RESD 2017/208
Last semester I had the chance to spend 5 months at Wageningen University. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to not only study at a top European University but also meet students from all over the world. Due to the diverse courses offered by the University, it was great to meet people from a different field of study.
Alberto Ceccacci, RESD 2017/2018
" I already knew from past experience that the Erasmus + was an extraordinary opportunity but my 9-month stay in the Azores, Portugal, enabled me to really understand what this is all about. The life adventures you can experience there and the breathtaking nature that surrounds you made this the experience of a lifetime!"
Chiara Petrucci, RESD 2016/2017
How can we help you:
Information about teaching matters for incoming and outgoing mobility programmes within and outside the EU, Learning Agreement and credit recognition.