Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

Projects and Initiatives

RESD involves students in field trips, conferences, projects and networking events. This site will be updated as new events/initiatives are confirmed.

International workshop on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability

The Department of  Economics of the University of Bologna hosted

the Third International Workshop on The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability

May 3-4, 2019, at the University of Bologna (Italy). 

The Workshop aims at bringing together theoretical and applied researchers to discuss the ongoing advanced research on the economics of climate change and sustainability. Topics include, but are not limited to: Adaptation and mitigation; Climate change and natural environment; Sustainable development; Climate change and technology; Climate finance; Environmental macroeconomics; Green initiatives and policies.

The following eminent scholars have already confirmed their participation: Astrid Dannenberg (University of Kassel), Charles F. Mason (University of Wyoming), Santiago Rubio (University of Valencia), Katheline Schubert (University of Paris I), Frederick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford), Anastasios Xepapadeas (AUEB, Athens and UNIBO, Bologna).

Steamgreen! is a blog promoted by RESD in order to share ideas and contents in the areas of energy, natural resources, sustainability and the environment.

Steamgreen! stands for making use of the world in a way such that waste and pollution are getting minimized while production doesn’t harm the environment too much by using energies that do not impair the life-giving conditions on our planet.

Two students won a study grant provided by RESD for creating and managing the blog over the period of a year. 2015/2016: Pushkar Sabharwal from India and Max Unterthiner from Italy. 2016/2017: Ruggiero Rippo and Laura Viganò from Italy. 2017/2018: Anna Verones and Aaron jesus Diaz Acuna. 2019/2020: Leonardo Scarton and Chiara Notarangelo from Italy.

EUROENVIRO 2015 and 2016

RESD students  were selected to participate at the EUROENVIRO 2015 in Gothenborg, Sweden and at the Euroenviro 2016 in Copenaghen, Denmark.

The study course provided a grant for covering travel expenses for the students, who together with other 60 international students, spent seven days of inspiring workshops, lectures and conversations on business, politics, philosophy and system transformation, making them agents of change.

Activities included a first international dinner, where people from around the world prepared typical dishes from their countries and games to get to know people and city.

One day was dedicated to “Actors of Change”, including sessions on being on the verge of societal collapse, or heading for a new industrial revolution. Is change a problem or a solution? Who is going to take a control over it?

Our students participated in open lectures on “Why don’t they care?”, meant to show how sustainability is not a challenge but a solution and open panel discussions with representatives from academia and private sector, discussing various problems while facing the challenge to bring real change to climate problems. 


SARDINIA 2015 and 2016  - The “Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre” Study Tour

In May 2015 and 2016 RESD students visited the island of Sardinia, more specifically the quartz sand beaches and Isola di Mal di Ventre, the institute for coastal marine environment and the Cabras Museum among other places.

They talked to marine biologists about the decreasing numbers of sea urchins and the level of control and regulation.They experienced firsthand the problems for seagull nesting areas resulting from illegal fishing and a lack of information on preserving the quartz sand beaches for locals and tourists.

They saw the effects of marine littering on the sea turtles and on the Mal di Ventre island north western beaches/bays and discussed sustainable tourism flows in an area that is low income, low development and high emigration. 

School Energy Project - in collaboration with RESD students and SGR 

RESD students are involved in an educational project with SGR (Rimini gas). They meet High schools students and talk about energy, especially energy used in  transportation, in the production of electricity and in heating and cooking.

Loccioni Group and Tetrapak

In the context of the Green Strategy and Sustainable Innovation course, RESD students have the opportunity to conduct a 1/2 day visit to companies at the forefront of sustainability thinking. in 2016 RESD students  visited Loccioni and in 2017 they will visit Tetrapak Italia, observing first-hand the different practices and technologies that make these companies global leaders in green innovation. Within the same course, students have also the opportunity to interact with top management guest speakers from a  diverse set of Italian and British organitions, including Unilever (2016) and Blueprint for Better Business (2017).

Ecomondo 2016

RESD was involved in a special session at Ecomondo 2016 on November 8th, about “The circular economy model in Emilia Romagna”. It is a project, involving also other countries (Business Development Centre North Denmark, North Denmark Region; Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, Finland; Welsh Government; Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki, Greece; Bulgarian Association of Municipal Environmental Experts, Bulgaria) and also ERVET and Città Metropolitana di Bologna, whose purpose is to study the circular economy model and to promote the circular economy to small and medium enterprises.

International Conference on the Economics of Climate change and Sustainability

The School of Economics, Management and Statistics of the University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, will host the First International Workshop on The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability, April 28-29, 2017. The Workshop aims to bring together theoretical and applied researchers to discuss the ongoing advanced research on the economics of climate change and sustainability.

Collaboration with the international Magazine “Materia rinnovabile”

The international magazine “Materia Rinnovabile”, Edizioni Ambiente , which is a magazine written in Italian and in English ,  , will devote a special issue to articles on bioeconomy and circular economy produced by RESD students. The special issue should be ready before summer 2017 and will be also distributed at Ecomondo 2017.