Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

Study grants and opportunities for RESD students

Scholarships for RESD students


University students may obtain economic support during their studies from the Emilia Romagna Region, the University of Bologna and other external bodies.

Study grants for Italian and International Students

Check the opportunities on the Unibo website - Bandi.




1 grant for tutoring the degree programme

2 grants for the Blog SteamGreen

2 grants for attending the EAERE conference in Cyprus

2 grants for an intenship (in Italy) for final examination

2 grants for the preparation abroad of the final examination

2 grants for an internship abroad for final examination

1 grant for an internship abroad

2 grants for first year deserving students

2 grants for second year deserving students

2 grants for the best thesis


2 grants for preparation for the final examination abroad

2 grants for internship abroad for final examination

1 grant for curricular internship abroad

3 grants for the participation to the EAERE conference

2 grants for intenship in Italy for final examination

** Scholarship for tutoring the degree programme 

**Scholarship for the participation to the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE).

** Scholarships to support a period of study abroad, related to research for the final dissertation abroad.

** Scholarships to develop the official blog of the international study program.

** Scholarship of for the participation to the 2017 International Conference on Real Options in Boston (US).

** Scholarship for an international training at ICLEI. ICLEI is an organisation based in Freiburg (Germany) operating worldwide. It facilitates local government input to United Nations (UN), processes such as the UN Framework Conventions on Climate Change, and Biodiversity. It works in partnership with the UN and other organisations, as well as national governments.

Taking part in a traineeship at the Bristol Waste Company (UK) as part of the Erasmus+ for Traineeship was a great opportunity to put in practice my passion, skills, and knowledge I acquired from RESD courses. I worked on some ongoing projects and created the Bristol Waste Company's campaign of the year, the #WasteNothing Challenge.

Giorgio Dini

I was awarded with two scholarships during the second year. The first one was a mobility program to spend a semester at Tulane University in New Orleans, and the second scholarship allowed me to work on my final dissertation in Argentina. I graduated in March 2019 and I’m currently working at Accenture Argentina as a financial analyst.

Lucía Ibañez Aldecoa

Working in ICLEI as an intern has been a great opportunity to apply acquired knowledge to
the real world. I was involved in different activities related to international projects insidethe team Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience and I had the opportunity to
take part in COP23 in Bonn.

Fiammetta Bertoldo

The 2018 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE) was held at the School of Business, Economics and Law of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. It gathered over 1,300 international researchers, professors, professionals and students to share latest research output, policy perspectives, ideas and experiences.

Felipe Bastarrica

The internship at CMCC was a great experience under many aspects: I worked in the context of the UN Climate Negotiations. My internship consisted firsly in research work to widen my knowledge on the functioning of climate finance under the UN and to provide insights on some particular issues on the activity of the international community.

Laura Marinelli