List of suggested topics
Elettra Agliardi
§ Financial Derivatives and climate change
§ Evolutions of institutions and ambiguity in the context of climate change
§ Climate finance
§ Green bonds
§ Facilitating transition: real option valuation for green growth, energy and technology transition.
Thanasis Stengos
§ Empirical approaches to the effect of emissions on growth
§ The Environmental Kuznets Curve: different methods of estimation analysis
§ Empirical investigation of the trade off between clean and conventional energy sources in affecting growth.
Rainer Andergassen
§ Economic growth and sustainability
§ Technological change and innovation incentives: green vs dirty technologies
§ Natural disasters and risk management
Anastasios Xepapadeas
§ Cost Benefit Analysis in General Infrastructure, or Renewable Energy using the EU Guidelines.
§ Climate Change Impacts on Output Growth and/or Total Factor Productivity.
§ Spatial Aspects in the Management of Resources and the Environment.
§ Coalition Formation and International Agreements under Climate Change: The Role of Adaptation, Geoengineering, and Solar Radiation Management.
§ The UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Context of Sustainability Measurement through Genuine Savings or Comprehensive Wealth
Konstantinos Chalvatzis
§ Regulating Energy Innovation: Comparative policies for energy storage and smart grid technologies in EU countries (particular focus on the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece)
§ The EU single energy market and the role of the EU policies in enabling innovation in the energy sector (focus on energy storage and smart-grid technologies)
§ From energy consumer to energy prosumer: transforming the EU citizens
Melania D’Angelosante
§ The EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS)
§ Waste (management) as a resource
§ The environmental liability directive
Roberto Dieci
§ Agent-Based models for resource economics and management
§ Dynamic models in agricultural and resource economics
§ Mathematical modeling of emission markets
§ Mathematical modeling of agricultural price fluctuations
§ Mathematical models of tipping points and application to environmental economics and policy
Luca Fanelli
§ The econometrics of climate change (review level)
§ Shocks identification in applied macroeconomics (intermediate/advanced level)
§ The identification and measurement of oil shocks (advanced level).
Anna Montini
§ The economic cost of environmental impacts on human health
§ Appraisal of total economic value of environmental goods (specific case study to be defined)
§ Cost-benefit analysis of new municipal solid waste collection methods (or other case study to be detailed)
Roberto Patuelli
§ Regional social capital and environmental concerns
§ Balancing transport accessibility and the environment
§ The double dividend hypothesis in developing countries
§ Impact of speed limits on air pollution in Bologna
Corrado Benassi
§ Income polarization and political polarization
§ Income distribution and the working of markets
§ Income distribution and macroeconomic performance
§ Foundations of inequality and poverty measurement; measurement theory
§ Optimal population and sustainability
§ Mixed oligopolies and welfare
§ Ethical foundations of welfare theories
Alessandro Tavoni
§ Media coverage, public awareness and climate tweets (Empirical)
§ Identifying drivers of cooperation in the laboratory (Experimental Economics)
§ Identifying drivers of cooperation in the field (Experimental Economics)
§ Eliciting climate change views with surveys (Empirical)
§ The political economy of international environmental agreements (IEA): the interplay between domenstic politics and IEA in coalition formation models (Game Theory)
§ Evolution of cooperation and common pool resource management (Game Theory)
Maria Gabrielli Baldarelli
§ Eco-justice and gambling: the role of accountability
§ Women, accounting and SDG
§ Social, environmental Accounting and poverty
§ Social , environmental and sustainable Accounting and accountability in Economy of communion entities
Federica Farneti
§ Social Reports/sustainability reports of Italian provincial governments (international organisations): A Longitudinal Analysis.
§ Insights on non-financial disclosure in major corporations and reflections on SMEs, before and after the directive 95/2014: the path towards greater transparency?
§ Integrated reporting: Losing legitimacy when reporting talk is not supported by actions.
§ Social and environmental auditing