Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Rimini Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

List of titles of past thesis

Agliardi Elettra

  • Circular Economy: Environmental and economic impacts of circular systems in construction
  • The financial implications of the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe: Do European Markets price in Transition Risk? Evidence from the EU ETS

Benassi Corrado

  • Income inequality and CO2 consumption: environmental Engel curves and the impact of a carbon tax on transport fuels in Italy
  • Income Polarization, Inequality and Growth in Latin America
  • The RISPI index: a measure of European reception policies towards asylum-seekers.

D'Angelosante Melania

  • Vietnam waste management: A critical analysis from behavioral economics insights
  • The Implementation of the Polluter Pays Principle in Environmental Law

Dieci Roberto

  • Endogenous and exogenous modeling of agricultural price fluctuation, review and comparison.

Montini Anna

  • An economic valuation of Marine Litter: a case study from Sicily, Italy
  • Applications of seasonal forecasts in agriculture. An assessment of their present and future economic value in Southern Europe
  • Contingent Valuation Method: The Total Economic Value Estimation of a Beach Affected by Coastal Erosion in Southern Italy
  • Ecosystem services in marine spatial planning in the Adriatic and Ionian Region: the role of valuation
  • Nutrition Transition: sustainable alternatives to decrease meat consumption. Mediterranean diet, Insect-based food, Plant-based meat, Cultured meat.
  • The Economic Impact of Marine Litter Pollution in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas
  • Using happiness indicators for project-level evaluation: Costa Crociere Foundation Happiness Index

Passarini Fabrizio 

  • Analysis of the organic waste factor in Sri Lankan municipal solid waste and feasibility study for sustainable organic waste management.
  • Assessment of solid waste generation and composting and recyclable potential in Rathnapura District, Sri Lanka
  • chemical analysis of sludge producing at wastewater plants in textile manufacturing industry and finding dificulties of sludge management in sri lanka
  • Climate-related risks and opportunities for the wine sector: a proactive management
  • Conventional versus Organic food. A Life Cycle Assessment for pizza
  • Environmental factors influencing the spread of antimicrobial resistance: understanding the role of different mitigation strategies in Italy
  • Estimation of economic damages caused by floods in urban areas - the case study of Curitiba
  • First Italian Implementation of Sanitation Safety Plans Risk analysis applied to wastewater reuse
  • Is White the New Black? An Insight into the Environmental Impact of a Wedding Dress
  • Tracking and Quantifying the Stocks and Flows of Cobalt in Europe through Material Flow Analysis
  • Tracking the flow of nylon in Europe using Material Flow Analysis

Setti Leonardo

  • Circular economy potential for business in the energy sector: best practices and industrial applications in Emilia-Romagna region
  • Electric vehicles diffusion in five selected European countries: state of the arts and market prospects

Tavoni Alessandro

  • An Analysis of Energy Efficiency: Barriers and Failures in the Residential Sector
  • Energy Sustainability Assessment: The case for the Mexican Energy System (2006-2017)
  • Fostering energy efficiency: the impact of behavioral interventions on household electricity consumption
  • Governance Regimes and Sustainable Forest Management: lab and framed field experiments in the Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Veneto regions of Northern Italy
  • how can we change consumer behavior to benefit the environment?
  • Policies to curb meat consumption: a laboratory experiment to test the efficiency a Pigouvian tax relative to an informative policy
  • Social pressure as the means to induce pro-environmental behaviour within households
  • Tackling Climate Change: Lobbying and Media Capture Perspective

Xepapadeas Anastasios

  • IMO Regulation on greenhouse gas emissions from the international shipping sector: what economic incentive could drive the change?