Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

Storytellers: "Insurance Agent: Experiences and Perspectives"

Meet professionals who can provide insights and testimonials coherent with your academic paths, with a transversal perspective on the hard skills acquired (in Italian language).

16 May 2024 from 12:30 to 14:00

Room Alberti 9 - In presence event


Storytellers: "Insurance Agent: Experiences and Perspectives"
Meet professionals who can provide insights and testimonials coherent with your academic paths, with a transversal perspective on the hard skills acquired. Dott. Daniele Mainardi, Dott. Emiliano Cavicchia, S.N.A. Sindacato Nazionale Agenti di Assicurazione Provincia di Rimini.
Event date and info: 16th of May 2024, from 12:30 pm to 02:00 pm, Room Alberti 9 during the Prof. Pattitoni's class, in Italian language.

For info and registration: