The degree programme aimsto train the professional figure of psychologist expert in school andcommunity psychology, possessing the cognitive, methodological and operationaltools typical of this professional figure.
The curriculum therefore sets the specific objective of providing graduateswith psychological knowledge and competences in two macro-areas: schools andeducational organisations; communities (territorial, hospitality andrehabilitation).
It also aims to provide tools and methodologies for analysis (observation,interview and counselling, standardised tools and tests) and applied researchin the two areas. It also aims to provide knowledge and skills in the design,management and evaluation of intervention in these areas, so that they can workprofessionally and autonomously in the psychology profession.
To this end, the programme is based on the integration of theoretical andmethodological learning activities in the fields of developmental andeducational psychology, community and occupational social psychology, dynamicand clinical psychology and general psychology. The learning activities includepractical exercises (classroom simulations, project work) relating to contextsrelevant to the identified professional figure.
In the first year, psychological knowledge and skills relating to theprofession of school and community psychologist (how it operates, whatmethodologies are used, ethical aspects etc.), school and community contextsand learning and teaching processes in typical and atypical situations (e.g.learning disorders) are furthered. Work is carried out on inclusion processes(at school and in the community), on guidance methodologies to fostereducational success. Methodological skills are also furthered from astatistical point of view to enable students not only to design interventionsin the school and community but also to use quantitative and qualitativeresearch methodologies to evaluate them.
In the second year, learning activities are planned that put knowledge intopractice and enable the acquisition of clinical and community skills to assessand treat conditions of distress and psychopathology but also to designinterventions for prevention and the promotion of well-being.
The practical assessment internship activities, also provided for in the secondyear, enable the psychologist to apply the knowledge and skills learnt in thedegree programme in the various areas/settings in which the psychologistoperates and to develop the skills typical of the profession. The professionalcompetences acquired through the internship within the programmes are verifiedby means of the practical assessment test (PPV), which ascertains the level ofpreparation for the professional qualification ahead of the discussion of thedissertation.
The dissertation is an opportunity to critically reflect on specific aspects ofthe work of the school and community psychologist, starting with the analysisand implementation of empirical studies.
To be able to profitablyfollow the second cycle degree programme in School and community psychologystudents must have acquired:
- university-level knowledgein the fields of developmental and educational psychology, social, group andorganisational psychology;
- basic methodological and statistical knowledge.
Admission to the secondcycle degree/two year master programme in School and community psychology requires possession of a bachelor's degree orthree-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognisedas suitable. Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements andpass the assessment of personal knowledge and skills.
For admission to thesecond cycle degree programme, applicants must meet at least one of thefollowing admission requirements:
a 1st cycle degree inone of the following classes:
- ex Italian Ministerial Decree 270/2004: Class L-24;
- ex Italian Ministerial Decree 509/1999: Class 34:
a suitable qualificationobtained abroad meeting the requirements of current legislation.
a 1st cycle degree withat least 88 credits in subject groups from M-PSI/01 to M-PSI/08 (at least 6credits for each subject area M-PSI/01, M-PSI/02, M-PSI/03, M-PSI/04, M-PSI/05,M-PSI/06, M-PSI/07 and M-PSI/08).
Admission to themaster's degree programme requires candidates to pass an assessment of personalcompetencies that will be held according to the methods defined in the degreeprogramme teaching regulations.
Knowledge of the Englishlanguage to at least CEFR level B2 is also required.
In the total or partialabsence of the recognition of 10 credits for professional learning activities,single-cycle graduates will acquire the missing internship credits in additionto the 120 credits of the second-cycle degree.