Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

7 good reasons NOT to enroll into the SCORE master degree course

Dear prospective student, please do not enroll into the Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage (SCORE) master degree course.

….. if you hate science

Here you will be educated and trained in chemistry, physics, mineralogy, biology and informatics applied to the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage


….. if you hate collaborating with other disciplines

Here you will find courses on collection and site management as well as on principle of conservation that will allow you to better identify the large conservation context and find your role within it

….. if your absolute and only passion is to become a restorer

We do not train restorers but conservation scientists, that is to say professionals capable of working from the outset within an interdisciplinary environment, and exchanging and communicating scientific information to non-scientific conservation professionals

….. if you do not speak English

The SCORE master degree course is completely taught in English 

….. if you value cultural heritage only for its iconographical and historical dimension

Here you will penetrate the hidden material constitution of works of art, study, investigate and monitor cultural heritage and its environment with respect to conservation and preservation and provide diagnosis before, during and after conservation-restoration interventions

….. if you cannot stand the new and advanced technologies applied to the conservation of cultural heritage

Here you will be trained on the use of the most advanced analytical techniques currently used to determine the material constitution, causes and state of conservation and performance evaluation of materials and methods used to preserve cultural properties

….. if don’t agree with the following statement provided by one of our current SCORE student

“What I can say is that I enjoy working and studying within a team of international and interdisciplinary students. I mean we all come from many different cultural context, everyone holding a particular educational background. That’s our common advantage – to study, share, and learn from each other. What about me personally, in the SCORE course I am excited to gain knowledge from disciplines different from architecture, the one I’m coming from, and see how they are mutually useful in preparing me for a career in the science for conservation community. Even more, I am happy to be the one of those who get united for new synergies between art and science, that will take the challenge to become, let me use this term, part of the first generation of “true” Conservation Scientists”.