Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Expected learning outcomes

Graduates will have advanced knowledge, operative and understanding abilities regarding the main techniques of preventative diagnostics for restoration, material constitution of objects and computer documentation systems for their state of conservation. In addition, they will have knowledge of the main cultural heritage conservation and restoration methodologies used for different types of heritage. These abilities are developed through course units on scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, earth sciences, biology and computer science, focusing on application aspects linked to cultural heritage diagnostics. In particular, as regards knowledge and understanding ability, graduates:
have the necessary skills to define and conduct, within a multi-disciplinary context made up of professionals from different areas involved in the process of conservation and restoration, archeometric and diagnosis projects, and interventions on archeological and artistic cultural heritage, buildings and furnishings, and are able to propose technologies and materials and methods of intervention as well as systems for the verification of their effectiveness.
The preferred teaching methods are lectures and laboratory sessions supported by a large number of tutorials. These are associated with the tradiotnal methods of assessment with oral and written examinations.

Graduates are able to apply the knowledge acquired and to understand using a professional approach based on the following points:
- they are able to use and apply to the conservation of cultural heritage, complex chemical, physical and mineralogical diagnostic analytical techniques and tools;
- they are able to operate using specialist knowledge within public and private institutes which are in charge of protecting cultural heritage and in Italian and international institutes for research in the sector of conservation and restoration;
- they are able to design, monitor and verify restoration interventions using complex analytical tools and will know the structural characteristics of the relevant heritage as well as the characteristics and properties of the materials of which it is composed;
- they are able to perform specialist diagnostic analysis of materials, even within contexts that are not strictly connected to cultural heritage;
- they are able to use computer systems for managing and processing analytical data and documentation of the state of conservation and the interventions being carried out.
The teaching/learning activities and the specialist laboratory activities which are case-study orientated as well as the work involved in the preparation of the thesis (which may be completed in public and private cultural heritage research and conservation institutes) and its implementation, permits graduates direct contact with other professionals involved in this work and to develop and defend arguments aimed at resolving real conservation and restoration problems (problem-solving oriented). Achievement of the ability to apply knowledge and to understand as set out above is developed through the critical reflection of texts stimulated by activities in lectures, research and application case studies demonstrated by professors, practical laboratory activities, bibliographical research and field-work, as well as individual and/or group projects as provided for particularly in the following core curriculum subject areas: chemistry, physics, biology, mineralogy, computer science, history and art as well as in the preparation of the thesis. Assessment, based oral and written examinations, reports and practical laboratory activities requires the completion of specific tasks in which students demonstrate mastery of tools, methodologies and judgement skills.

Graduates are abl to:
- determine the nature and extent of deterioration and identify the causes;
- interpret the scientific data deriving from the application of a diagnostic protocol completely;
- formulate an analytical problem and propose ideas and solutions;
- give judgements that include reflections on important conservation science and restoration ethics issues;
- adapt to different work environments and topics and to collect and evaluate sources of information, data and literature.
Judgement skills are developed in particular through practical activities, organized seminars, and the preparation of written assignments in the course units of microscopic and microchemistry investigations, biodeterioration, computer science for cultural heritage, mineral-petrographic characterisation, physical methods of diagnostics and principles of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage within the core curriculum subject areas of CHIM, FIS, INF, GEO, ICAR, BIO, L-ART in which importance is given to problem-solving. Judgement skills are also developed during the work assigned by the supervising professor for the thesis. Assessment of judgement skills is through assessment during the course units of the degree programme of the students' home study programme and the evaluation of their level of independence when working alone and in a group during the activities assigned for the preparation of the thesis.

- possess excellent skills for communication with other actors in the restoration process;
- possess advanced skills for managing human resources and equipment;
- are able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in their mother-tongue;
- are able to communicate in another of the major European languages;
- are able to work both alone and in a group;
- possess advanced planning and time-management skills;
- adapt well to new situations
Written and oral communication skills written are developed especially during practical laboratory activities that require the preparation of reports and other written assignments followed by their oral presentation.

- have advanced learning skills as necessary to undertake future studies and research with a high level of independence;
- have a study method, objective-oriented ability and will work well alone and in a group;
- are able to work independently and advance their professional training.
Learning skills are fostered throughout the degree programme especially during the home study required during the work for the preparation of the thesis. Learning skills are assessed continuously during the course units. The respect of academic deadlines and presentation of data collected independently, tutorials and the presentation of projects and the evaluation of the skills of self-learning matured during the carrying out of the activities in preparation of the thesis are all relevant.