Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

1st International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage (ChemCH 2010) ended-up. Look at the video

Published on 11 July 2010

160 participants from 25 different countries attended the 1st International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage held in Ravenna from June the 30th to July the 3rd.

Under the chairmanship of prof. Rocco Mazzeo, Director of the SCORE Masters Degree university Programme, the Congress has been jointly organised by the Microchemistry and microscopy art diagnostic Laboratory of the University of Bologna, Fondazione Flaminia and the Scientific and Didactic Pole of the University of Bologna-Ravenna Campus.

Representatives of the most prestigious cultural and conservation Institutions from all over the world, among which the Getty Conservation Institute (USA), the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Art Institute in Chicago, the Louvre Museum in Paris, the National Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museums in London, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna,  the Instituto Patrimonio Cultural de Espana and many others, made the Congress a great opportunity to highlight the key role so far played by Chemistry in the study, conservation and management of cultural heritage.

The second edition of the ChemCH Congress will take place in Instambul (Turkey) on July 2012.

Let have a look at the video