Analyses of paintings : new advances in the development of micro-destructive and non destructive techniques.
Venue: University of Bologna, Italy
Chemistry Department “G. Ciamician”
Date: 14th June, 2013
In September 2007 an analogous workshop aimed at presenting and discussing the available micro-destructive analytical techniques used to characterize the organic materials in paint cross sections was organized by the Microchemistry and microscopy art diagnostic laboratory (M2ADL) of the University of Bologna.
This workshop, which is organised under the auspicies of the Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), will provide an occasion to broaden the available analytical methods to non-destructive ones. This will be achieved by presenting and discussing the results of a two years research project [Scientific Research Programme of National Relevance (PRIN08)], coordinated by the University of Bologna (M2ADL Laboratory) in collaboration with the Universities of Perugia and Florence, on the setting up of micro-destructive analytical methodologies for the characterization and spatial location of organic substances (varnishes, binding media, organic pigments, etc.) in paintings. It will also be an occasion to present the research results achieved by other colleagues who have been developing new advanced non-destructive techniques (i.e.: profile NMR-MOUSE, Optical Coherence Tomography, Terahertz, etc.) for the stratigraphic characterization of paintings materials.
The international workshop foresees presentations given by B. Bluemich (RWTH Aachen University), B. Brunetti (University of Perugia), M.E. Castellucci (University of Florence), M.P. Colombini (University of Pisa), R. Mazzeo, A. Roda, M. Marcaccio, S. Prati (University of Bologna), M. Menu (Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, Paris), M. Ricci (University of Florence) and P. Targowski (Nicolaus Copernicus Universuty, Torun) (see attached final workshop agenda).
Rocco Mazzeo, University of Bologna
Silvia Prati, University of Bologna
Aldo Roda, University of Bologna
Bruno Brunetti, University of Perugia
Marilena Ricci, University of Florence
Emilio Mario Castellucci, University of Florence
The workshop is free, however due to the limited seats available, prospective participants are kindly asked to send, as soon as possible, to Silvia Prati ( an email confirming their interest to participate in the workshop.