01 Apr

Erasmus traineeship 2025/26 call for applications - Informative session with the International Mobility Office

09:30 - 10:30

Via Irnerio, 48 (Aula B di Biochimica) - In presence and online event

The international mobility office of Pharmacy and Biotech, Chemistry and Industrial chemistry holds an informative meeting about the call in Italian language

17 Mar

Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship call for applications 2025/2026 – Information session

11:00 - 13:30


Monday March 17th, Ravenna Campus. Online sessions (TEAMS platform) providing information on the Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship call for applications 2025/2026.

26 Feb

If you haven't done it yet, register now to our Virtual Fair-Master's programmes! The event preview opens today

10:00 - 17:00

Ms Teams - Online

You can start visiting the virtual stands and check the programme of the events you are interested in.

26 Feb

PhD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities

10:30 - 11:30

Ms Teams - Online

The online event to explore this opportunity to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.

14 Jan

Erasmus+ mobility for studies call for applications 2025/2026 – Information session

All day

TEAMS Platform - Online

Tuesday January 14th, Ravenna Campus. Online sessions (TEAMS platform) providing information on the Erasmus+ mobility for studies call for applications 2025/2026.