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Compiling the Study Plan

How to compile the Study Plan – A.Y. 2018/2019

Published on 11 October 2018

The Study Plan can be filled in via web by students regurarly enrolled in the current A.Y., both “in corso” (currently studying) and “fuori corso” (who have not graduated by the prescribed period of time).


Please check the attached file about students required to fill in the study plan (by choosing “elective” and “free choice” learning activities, and, if required, the degree programme curriculum).

Students wishing to graduate by March 2019 must not submit the study plan.


In the A.Y. 2018/2019 the submission of the Study Plan will be available in two different periods:

  • from 15 October to 15 November 2018
  • from 15 January to 15 February 2019.

During the web Study Plans application period, students can compile and change their own study plan without limitations. 


The Study Plan, when submitted, can be changed and submitted again by the deadline. Therefore, all plans completed before the starting date, as well as those submitted or modified after the deadline, will not be considered valid. Only the last Study Plan submitted within the prescribed time limit will be considered valid. Warning! After completing to fill-in the Study Plan, students must click on the "Save" tab to submit it correctly.

Students unable to submit the study plan via web (for example, those who have changed Course or University, or who are enrolled in old pre and post reform regulations - with the exception of students of the Degree in Computer Science and Engineering - or requiring the inclusion of learning activities not indicated in their standard study plan) can compile or change the Study Plan only using the paper form attached.