Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Partnerships and international collaborations

The SCoRe Master Program has developed a wide and structured network of collaborations and partnerships with international restoration and research in conservation of cultural heritage institutions.

The international character of the SCoRe Master program is characterized by the fact that all taught courses are delivered in English by both University of Bologna teachers and scholars belonging to Cultural heriatge institutions and practicing conservator-restorers with whom the program has established didactic and research agreements.

The fourth semester, which is mainly devoted to the students’ implementation of their experimental thesis, will be carried out by students in one of the university science laboratory, cultural heritage institutions, museums, etc located both in Italy, Europe and China. 

To this purpose, the Departments involved into the Master programme have close links with networks, practicing conservators, conservation scientists, museums and heritage organisations both in Italy (such as the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence), Europe (such as the National Gallery in London and the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France – Louvre Museum in Paris) and Far East Asia (such as the Nanjing University of the Arts in China).