Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Service Management

Available topics for the final examination

Students can propose topics of their choice to the supervisor. 
However, some of the Professors are available to supervise students on the following topics:

Giuseppe Settanni - International Commercial Law

  • International contracts and hardship clause: development after Covid-19 pandemic
  • Artificial intelligence and international trade law: legal perspectives
  • International legal concerns regarding cryptocurrencies
  • Recent developments in international commercial arbitration

Paola Giuri - International Management

  • Innovative start-ups in manufacturing and service firms
  • International activities of start-ups in manufacturing and services
  • Team formation and composition in entrepreneurial firms
  • Intellectual property and international business in emerging countries
  • Patenting in developed and emerging countries
  • Productive and destructive entrepreneurship
  • Patenting, innovation and competition

Selena Aureli - Financial Reporting and Analysis

  • Performance measurement
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Assurance of Sustainability Reporting
  • Circular economy
  • Corporate Governance

Stefano Antonio Bolatto - Industrial Organization

  • Pricing-to-market strategies of exporting firms: theory and evidence
  • Localized competition and the central place theory. Case studies and empirical evidence.
  • Ownership choices and the organization of the global supply chain.
  • Property rights institutions, rule of law and the impact of multinational activity.
  • Advertising and pricing strategies as signalling tools under asymmetric information.
  • Strategic partnerships abroad: Joint Ventures as an entry strategy in uncharted markets.
  • Foreign direct investments: exploring the interplay between goals and modes.
  • The gravity of international trade flows and the effect of non-tariff restrictions.