Students can propose topics of their choice to the supervisor.
However, some of the Professors are available to supervise students on the following topics:
Giuseppe Settanni - International Commercial Law
- International contracts and hardship clause: development after Covid-19 pandemic
- Artificial intelligence and international trade law: legal perspectives
- International legal concerns regarding cryptocurrencies
- Recent developments in international commercial arbitration
Paola Giuri - International Management
- Innovative start-ups in manufacturing and service firms
- International activities of start-ups in manufacturing and services
- Team formation and composition in entrepreneurial firms
- Intellectual property and international business in emerging countries
- Patenting in developed and emerging countries
- Productive and destructive entrepreneurship
- Patenting, innovation and competition
Selena Aureli - Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Performance measurement
- Sustainability reporting
- Assurance of Sustainability Reporting
- Circular economy
- Corporate Governance
Stefano Antonio Bolatto - Industrial Organization
- Pricing-to-market strategies of exporting firms: theory and evidence
- Localized competition and the central place theory. Case studies and empirical evidence.
- Ownership choices and the organization of the global supply chain.
- Property rights institutions, rule of law and the impact of multinational activity.
- Advertising and pricing strategies as signalling tools under asymmetric information.
- Strategic partnerships abroad: Joint Ventures as an entry strategy in uncharted markets.
- Foreign direct investments: exploring the interplay between goals and modes.
- The gravity of international trade flows and the effect of non-tariff restrictions.