Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Service Management

Expected learning outcomes

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5943 - Service Management

Service Business Analyst

Function in a professional context:

Service Business Analysts specialise in identifying, organising and supporting the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data of service businesses. They are responsible for analysing problems, supporting the management in representing value creation processes linked to services, and identifying and implementing international development opportunities. They are able to identify, deploy and organise the resources that work with the service company at different levels in order to monitor vertical – from/to demand – and horizontal – across the various corporate functions – data analysis processes, in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer contexts.

Service Business Analysts are responsible for analysing problems, supporting the management in representing value creation processes linked to services, and identifying and implementing international development opportunities. As quantitative data analysis specialists in the service context, they actively monitor vertical – from/to demand – and horizontal – across the various corporate functions – data flows. The service context requires data collection and measurement methods to focus specifically on consumer behaviour, for business-to-customer firms, and on the management of business-to-business relations.

Competencies associated to the function:

Service Business Analysts possess multidisciplinary knowledge and competencies and receive theoretical and practical training in the strategic analysis of value creation mechanisms in the service industry, specialising in particular in the management, monitoring and support of the analysis of data from service processes. From an international business perspective, these skills allow graduates to master a number of tools – from those of the economic and statistical area, with special focus on the analysis of economic behaviour and data in the service context, to those of the service management area, at various levels in the marketing and strategic field. The multidisciplinary knowledge acquired allow graduates to master the service business across a number of contexts. Specialist competencies in service marketing, service innovation, service management and digital services are also provided.

Service Business Analysts have the knowledge and competencies to draft business pitches focussing on data and information that are useful for decision making.

Service Business Analysts possess knowledge and competencies in the areas of human resource management and organisation theory. They specialise in the management of front-line staff in the service context and supervise all organisational process management phases, with reference in particular to motivational processes for front-line staff in the organisation, who liaise directly with the customer, and service innovation and internationalisation processes. They are able to promote and embody the principles of leadership and to adopt an interdisciplinary and interfunctional approach across all levels of the organisation, with a view to facilitating and supporting the continuous transformation process required of service businesses.

Employment opportunities:

- Professional service and industrial firms that create or develop value in the service dimension.

- Non-profit firms, cultural and artistic organisations or segments of the public administration.

- Medium and large-sized consulting firms working in various business areas.

- International organisations and innovative sectors of the public administration.


Corporate Service Manager

Function in a professional context:

Corporate Service Managers promote and embody the principles of leadership and adopt an interdisciplinary and interfunctional approach, with a view to facilitating and supporting the continuous transformation process required of service businesses. As organisational innovation process specialists in the service context, they supervise all organisational process management phases, with reference in particular to motivational processes for front-line staff in the organisation, who liaise directly with the customer, and service innovation and internationalisation processes.

Corporate Service Managers specialise in organisational innovation processes in the service context, promote and embody the principles of leadership and adopt an interdisciplinary and interfunctional approach, with a view to facilitating and supporting the continuous transformation process required of service businesses. Corporate Service Managers supervise all organisational process management phases, with reference in particular to motivational processes for front-line staff in the organisation, who liaise directly with the customer, and service innovation and internationalisation processes.

Competencies associated to the function:

Corporate Service Managers have knowledge of the international accounting standards and measurement methodologies used to quantify the effects of business decisions, as well as of international market, corporate and new technology regulations. They also possess knowledge and competencies in financial reporting, financial performance measurement, social and environmental impact measurement, and strategic cost management. They are able to understand how companies can handle threats and opportunities arising from the society’s growing demand for greater social and environmental engagement. They are aware of and can apply various sustainable reporting models by choosing which sustainability key performance indicators to monitor and disclose. Furthermore, graduates in Service Management have the competencies to assess an investment project’s ability to create or destroy value, by simultaneously analysing the interaction between a company’s investment choices and funding choices, with reference in particular to service businesses, in terms of their specific optimal financial structure, agency problems and asset/liability matching.

Employment opportunities:

- Professional service and industrial firms that create or develop value in the service dimension.

- Non-profit firms, cultural and artistic organisations or segments of the public administration.

- Consulting firms of all sizes, within functions devoted to the identification, management and support of change processes.

- International organisations and innovative segments of the public administration.

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Corso di Service Management - codice 5943
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