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Alessandro Albano

Adjunct professor

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Ricevimento in presenza - aggiornamento

Published on 2024-03-27 06:35:48

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Selena Aureli

Associate Professor

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Cristina Baldi

Adjunct professor

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Francesco Maria Barbini

Associate Professor

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Organizzazione aziendale CLEI - Annullamento lezione

Published on 2024-05-16 15:18:08

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Giovanni Battista Barillà

Associate Professor

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Published on 2024-06-17 16:51:36

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Giulia Baschieri

Associate Professor

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Cristina Bernini

Full Professor

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Orario di ricevimento

Published on 2010-06-16 11:23:12

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Stefano Antonio Bolatto

Associate Professor

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Marco Antonio Boschetti

Associate Professor

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Paola Brighi

Associate Professor

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Maurizio Brizzi

Associate Professor

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Giuseppe Cappiello

Associate Professor

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Annullata lezione giovedì 2 marzo 2023 ore 2023

Published on 2023-03-01 13:23:41

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Elias Carroni

Associate Professor

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Roberto Cenci

Adjunct professor

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Filippo Dal Fiore

Adjunct professor

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Antonio Carlo Francesco Della Bina

Assistant professor

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recupero lezioni

Published on 2011-02-16 20:34:53

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Silvia Emili

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

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Giuseppe Ermocida

Adjunct professor

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Stefania Farace

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Massimo Ferdinandi

Adjunct professor

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ORAL EXAMS: SEM and TEAM students

Published on 2022-03-17 17:57:43

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Massimo Giovanardi

Associate Professor

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Antonio Giuliani

Associate Professor

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Paola Giuri

Full Professor

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Epameinondas Katsikas

Adjunct professor

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Umberto Lago

Associate Professor

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Visione compiti Strategia d'Impresa

Published on 2022-07-11 16:57:54

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Marcello M. Mariani

Associate Professor

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Marco Maria Mattei

Full Professor

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Carlo Mazzaferro

Associate Professor

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Francesco Montani

Associate Professor

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Anna Montini

Associate Professor

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Maurizio Mussoni

Assistant professor

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Rebecca Levy Orelli

Associate Professor

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Emanuela Randon

Associate Professor

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Alessandro Ricci

Adjunct professor

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Giuseppe Settanni

Adjunct professor

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Enrico Supino

Associate Professor

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Marco Tognacci

Adjunct professor

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Ivanoe Tozzi

Associate Professor

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Marco Visentin

Associate Professor

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