Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Service Management

Project Works With Companies

For students of the second year

The FINAL PRESENTATION of the SEM BEST PROJECT WORK 2024/2025 will take place on March 24th - 9:30 am in presence in room Alberti 10 - Piazzetta Teatini, 13 - Rimini

At the end of the presentations made by the groups, the Best Project Work will be selected by the evaluation Committee and grants assigned to the winners.

All students interested are welcome to attend.

SEM provides the opportunity to take part into PROJECT WORKS with selected companies during the first semester of the second year of studies. Companies are diversified by sectors, products, services or geographic markets.

The aim of the PROJECT WORK is to engage students, apply skills and tools acquired during the programme, develop team work and strengthen the collaboration with companies.  

Students will develop projects on a topic identified by the company, involving the following teaching activities:

  • Strategic management
  • Innovation Strategy
  • International Business
  • Marketing

At the end of the project works,  companies have offered concrete opportunities of internship to SEM students (curricular internship, internship for final examination)


For the a.y. 2024/25 companies taking part in the project works are: 





 -  Maggioli

 -  Misano World Circuit

 -  Vici Vision

 -  Hotel Belvedere Riccione


 -  Maggioli

 -  Misano World Circuit

 -  Vici Vision

 -  Hotel Belvedere Riccione






    Practical information

    - The project work is an activity of the second year
    - It usually starts from September until mid February
    - Small groups of 3-4 students
    - Supervision of SEM Professors and a guidance of a company’s member
    - Work in progress presentation in class by mid December
    - Delivery and discussion of the final project report to SEM professors and companies by mid February, (by the end of the exam session) as a public event

    - Grants for students of the best project work group

    - Project work bonus of 0.5 points for the final examination to students of the project works


    SEM second year students 2019/2020

    SEM Second year students a.y. 2018/2019

     SEM Second year students a.y. 2017/2018

     SEM second year students a.y. 2016/2017


    SEM second year students a.y. 2015/2016