Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Statistical Sciences


The curricular internship is a training experience, included in the study plan of the degree programme, aimed at completing academic education through practical experiences.

What is an internship

The internship activity is an experience planned to complete your academic education with practical work at companies, public offices or labs within the University of Bologna.

An internship to acquire 10 credits for 250 hours is an optional learning activity for “Data Science” and “Population and Health Analytics” whereas it is mandatory for the "Official Statistics" curriculum.

Internships for Data Science and Population and Health Analytics 

You can carry out the Internship in private companies, public institutions, professional firms etc, either in Italy or abroad. This opportunity is strongly suggested to those students who want to enter the job market having already gained practical experience during their studies.

You can also set up a RAship - within Unibo, acting as a Research Assistant of a faculty member of CLAMSS (or of another member of the Department of Statistics of the University of Bologna). This opportunity is strongly suggested to students considering the possibility to apply for a PhD. 

Please note: in order to set up a Raship, before following the specific on line procedure outlined afterwards in this page, you need to send to prof. Gabriele Soffritti a brief description of the research projetc agreed with the internship tutor at the Department and wait for his approval.


You can set up your internship from the end of the second semester of the first year (during the Summer) and/or during the second year, after selecting it in your study plan (please read the information on how to modify the study plan).

Internships for Official Statistics

A compulsory internship of a minimum 8 weeks has to be carried out in a National Statistical Institute (NSI), National Central Bank (NCB), Other National Authority (ONA), an International Organisation (IO) or any other partner organisation producing or dealing with statistics and data, as long as the internship focuses on work that is relevant to official statistics. As a rule, such internships are to be carried out physically at the working premises. However, remote internships can be accommodated when it is not possible to organise them otherwise.


You can set up your internship from the end of the second semester of the first year (during the Summer) and/or during the second year. Since this type of internship is compulsory, it is already reported in your study plan.  

Additional types of internship

You can also add to your study plan one of the following internships:

  • Internship for the preparation of the final dissertation (300 hours - 12 credits)
  • Internship for the preparation abroad of the final dissertation (300 hours - 12 credits)

Carrying out an internship for the preparation of the final examination​, in Italy or abroad, allows you to gain 12 of the 24 (or of the 30 credits, for the Official Statistics curriculum) credits associated with your dissertation. The aim of such internship must be consistent with the dissertation topic and agreed with the supervisor.

In this case, once agreed the topic of your dissertation with your supervisor, you can ask the Internship office to add the internship to you career (you can send your request anytime, despite the 2 periods scheduled to change your study plan) sending to the internship office the form you find attached.

Internship Academic Tutor: Prof. Gabriele Soffritti.

RAship Coordinator: Prof. Laura Anderlucci, who will help you to find a project and a supervisor.

Coordinator for internships for Official Statistics: Prof. Elisabetta Carfagna.

What to do at the end of the internship

In the following order:

  1. Before leaving the internship position, make sure that your attendance sheet is duly filled in and signed.
  2. Upload the whole attendance sheet on SOL-Internships
  3. Fill in the evaluation form that you'll then be directed to (you will find the link after you will have uploaded the attendance sheet)
  4. Once completed the points before, the Internship Office will validate the activity and your Internship Academic Tutor will register it. (It is not necessary to book a "registration session" on AlmaEsami).