Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Communications engineering


Guidance services and activities to help you choose a degree programme and at each stage of your studies

Guidance for those willing to enrol

The Programme Coordinator and the degree tutor are available to guide perspective students in selecting their Master's degree, obtain further information​ on learning outcomes and career opportunities, clarify any doubts which may arise. However, Applicants are advised to browse carefully the website before contacting them.

The Programme Coordinator supports students all the way through their career, from admission to graduation. Their duties span from residence permit and admin support to individual guidance.

The tutor plays an important role linking students and degree programmes. S/he is a valuable source of information, for example, to learn about how to access the programme and carry out its activities. Students can contact the tutor also to flag requests concerning logistics or organisation. Additionally, the tutor offers personalised support to students who struggle, whether for work or other personal reasons, to keep up with the programme and exam schedules.

Guidance activities 

The degree programme takes part in guidance events promoted by the University and organises specific activities to present the characteristics of the curriculum and enable enrolled students to start their studies with all the information they need.

·         AlmaOrienta and International Open Days: showcasing all the degrees delivered by the University of Bologna

·         Meeting with first-year students: at the start of the lessons, meetings are held to talk about how the course units are organised and the related learning activities.

Alma Mater provides students with various tools to maximise their University experience and obtain information and guidance during their studies.

In addition to tutorial services, guidance and internships, the University also organises events and activities that will benefit your studies.

Further information

Guidance for final-year students and graduates

The University of Bologna offers support to those ​willing to continue their studies or go straight into job.

Further information