The studyprogramme follows a learning path which is coherent with the profile of thereferred professional figures identified in the ISTAT category of professionalclassifications under point Electronics and TelecommunicationsEngineers.
2ndcycle graduates will have in-depth knowledge of the specific subjects of thisclass, in particular in the fields of telecommunications systems and networks,information processing and transmission, telecommunication services, the designof telecommunications devices, circuits and equipment, free and guided propagationof electromagnetic fields. Ample room will be reserved for the study of modernassisted design, modelling and simulation methods. The 2nd cycleprogramme is completed by elective subjects which aim to produce professionalfigures with a broad knowledge base. The computer equipment and laboratoriesavailable for use at the university, and constantly being enhanced, allow forthe study of fields of application. Internships may also be performed incollaboration with public and private bodies and companies operating locally.
At the endof the Degree Programme, graduates will have acquired:
- In-depth knowledge of the typical systems in use in the sector;
-Proficiency in the advanced design of even particularly complex and innovativecomponents, systems, processes and services, using modern calculation anddesign methods;
- Ability todesign innovative components, systems and processes;
-Organisational and management skills even in complex industrial systems.Learning outcomes are achievedby a course curriculum aiming to produce graduates with a solid methodologicalbackground, integrated by specific practical skills deriving from targetedlaboratory experimentation, who are able to design and manage systems,processes and services both in the specific field of TelecommunicationsEngineering and in other contexts in which such technologies play an importantrole. For this purpose, 2nd cycle students are guided in theirunderstanding of problems, reference models and methods inherent to the designof modern telecommunication systems, as well as the relative standards and themost advanced technologies available for their concrete application.Methodological approaches are adopted throughout the study programme.Particular emphasis is placed on an organic focus on the fundamentalprinciples, the use of examples in the definition of technical and scientificapproaches, the presentation of environments and instruments which togethersupport the design of specific sectoral systems and architectures with a system-orientedvision. The specific skills will be completed by a solid background in physicsand mathematics, in-depth knowledge of the specific areas of study laid down inthe university degree class regulations for Computer Engineering, includingelectronic and computer engineering, also applied to business environments.